View allAll Photos Tagged path

Golden hour before sunset

Take a walk along the path, and find out where it goes. It'll eventually lead you to a large pond where water lilies grow.

A bright but cool autumn morning on the Blackstone River Bikeway in Cumberland, Rhode Island.


I discovered a part of "my" Wohld, I had not been before. Narrow and winding paths meander through it.


Combination of 4 photos with different focus.

I cannot cause light; the most I can do is try to put myself in the path of its beam.


Annie Dillard

What path can we choose?


KVR trail - once a railway servicing the Okanagan - now a foot path and bicycle route. I have an appreciation and gratitude for the workers who scaled mountains and blasted through sheer rock to create this marvelous scenic trip which we all now can enjoy.

Camera was positioned upright through 4 shots and stitched together in lightroom to create this high panoramic image

Day 55


After a week with temps in the 70s, winter returned with a more seasonal storm. Good for some track shots.

The sun-dappled path curved away around a leafy corner.

this is the path to the nature reserve at poteric carr

I love the way this tree looms over woodland path, it's branches dangling to catch the unwary. A few autumn leaves clinging to one branch, the rest still to turn. Taken in Little Wittenham Wood.

Québec, Québec - mars 2022.

Following the path to Redrock Lake at Many Glaciers within the Glacier National Park. Glacier Park is among the most spiritual of the parks in the national park system, sporting Alpine peaks, commanding vistas, and many small mountain lakes. It is special spot on earth that inspires inner reflection at every turn. To sit amongst the Gods and meditate, is a rare and special treat.


Glacier National Park, Montana

Life is full of choices, walking down this path, bordered with dandelions and dappled sunshine was a great choice!


Góðan dag!

I took this pic back in 2008 on the Niagara section of the Bruce Trail that crosses Shorthills Provincial Park with my Fuji film camera. Those days I was leading hikes with the members of the Bruce Trail Club. When I saw this snake on the path I told every body to stop and not move, these snakes are very shy, but venomous and I did not want any one to get hurt, and we let the snake find its way among the rocks.


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The little alpine garden in Rogów. It's a popular place in the arboretum :)


The Rogów Arboretum, established in 1925, is the Station of Protection and Shaping of Forest Ecosystems. It covers an area of 54 ha and is of an exceptional character as compared with other centers of the type in Poland or Europe, because it has been built from the very beginning as a research – didactic object and, moreover, it was located in the forest and has been tightly connected with the forest experimental study from the moment of its origin. The Arboretum consists of three basic parts: the dendrological collections (about 22 ha), the forest experimental plots (about 18 ha) and the alpine garden (1.5 ha), which is the most popular for visitors. In addition to the rock garden, which rises 2m above ground level, streams have been created to run through the garden and several smaller ponds have been built, along with a larger one, which contains an island. The alpinarium offers a display of over 400 species and infraspecific taxa of plants, originating from mountainous regions all over the world.



Ścieżki w alpinarium. Jest to popularne miejsce w rogowskim arboretum :)


Arboretum w Rogowie – należy do grupy najcenniejszych, najbogatszych w gatunki i odmiany drzew i krzewów tego typu ogrodów w Europie. Położony jest w dawnym siedlisku leśnym i ma charakter parku leśnego. Od początku istnienia (1925 r.) podlega pod Wydział Leśny SGGW. Na jego obszarze znajdują się jedne z najbogatszych i najciekawszych kolekcji drzew i krzewów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Najchetniej odwiedzanym miejscem w ogrodzie jest alpinarium. Oprócz wyniesionych na 2 m ponad poziom gruntu skalniaków, założono tu ciąg strumyków, kilka oczek wodnych i 5-arowy staw z wyspą. W rogowskim alpinarium można obejrzeć ponad 400 gatunków i odmian roślin, pochodzących z gór całego świata. W większości są to byliny, ale nie tylko. Rosną tu także krzewy i drzewa terenów górzystych, np. majestatyczne świerki serbskie, kształtne limby czy srebrzyste jodły kalifornijskie.

Clumber Park (National Trust)

Wild garlic in Leipzig.

Braadland skanse/rampart - Halden - Norway


At this location hard fightings took place in January 1660

On january 14. Swedish forces launched a severe attack

at Braadland Rampart - 5 assaults were repelled - but at the

6. the enemy broke through the line and conquered the hill

It was recaptured later the same day

After six week siege - with hardly any progress - the campaign

was cancelled - and the enemy return to Sweden

The erected stone along Normand path - indicate the line

of defence in 1660




Texture by Lenabem-Anna J thank you~!


Thanks to everyone who takes the time to view,

comment, fave and invite my photo, much appreciated :o)




...this path flowed, it wasn't just standing water... what fun, splish splash... my feet were already wet from earlier wet and boggy places :-)

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