View allAll Photos Tagged music

Singing at the Grand Ole Opry in the Mother Church!


The Nashville Music Row sim in Second Life catches the feel of Nashville to the degree that it even has the back stage exit at the Ryman Auditorium that feeds out onto the backdoor entrance to the 2nd floor of Tootsie's Orchid Lounge on Broadway. Nice touch!


Ryman Auditorium - Grand Ole Opry @ Nashville Music Row

Listen: the wood thrush's tremulous, sugary voice

as he dips in and out of the box elder; the morning

glories who have thin, scarlet tongues, or the wind

that billows and wants to carry off the umbrella.


We sit under swaying elms enraptured by a Hallelujah

chorus of birds while the neighbors 14 year old girl

practices Mendelssohn; she desires everything, I think,

up-tempo and manic. You can hear the tarantella


wanting to crawl out of her. But her teacher calms her:

espressivo, espressivo, he says, the open window

framing them in a perfect still life. I think again

how music emanates from all that's in motion:


those hollyhocks beside the fence singing, the garden's

baseline so steady underneath us, rivers of barometrical

air that rise and fall and hum at a pitch beyond our ears.

Look at this aria of saffron light; seems each molecule


in this heart shaped leaf is a psalm, if I could hear inside

its embossed veins. How I envy what owls must hear.

Or the red squirrel, or the dog whining a block away

or the fox – red flash at meadow’s edge -- or the mole,

like Milton in his blindness.


--Miguel de O


Hello Everyone, it is so close to the weekend and what a crazy week it has been. For me there is nothing better to let the stress of the week go than loving family, adored friends, a couple of Mojitos and beautiful music that carries you to another place and lifts up your spirit. So select what you like, turn it up loud and feel the music in your heart. Always be happy! :)




Let the music move you

"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats".

Albert Schweitzer


Does anyone else see a heart in Momo's fur?


This piece is called The Cat:


My friend Lucas Harmsen suggests this other wonderful tune:


Happy Bokeh Wednesday, everyone!

... was my first love, it will be my last.


Lights, nature, and music can lift my mood. What are your mood lifters?


The earth has music for those who listen.

George Santayana


tones: Bärbel's PS/PSE actions

texture: flypaper


hbw :)


NEW: "i love your work 12"


Palais de la musique Catalane


DJing here every Friday at 6pm SLT


Come check out one of the best metal clubs around in SL

Solid body electric guitar and chrome bridge. Mahogany, rosewood and yellow stained sycamore.


Woodworking project making steady progress. Slowly finishing the electrics.


Many thanks for all views, fav's - and particularly comments - all are greatly appreciated!

Happy Macro Mondays to you all!


Zu Gast bei der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde am 30. April 2022 im Strawinsky Saal in Donaueschingen


a change of flow...

along the Seine, Paris

My brother in law Colin kindly did some modelling for me whilst playing guitar.

Music is the art of thinking with sounds

This photo was taken during the dress rehearsal of an operetta choir. The combination of live music and photography made it a great experience for me.

One of the things we all care for, long for, knowing or not, is the feeling of connection, the feeling of being loved and share yourself with someone special. I believe this urge is as fundamental as breathing, food and comfort. It is part of us.. a simple touch, a look, a gesture, and our heart beats faster and we start to dream


Groovy kind of Love - Phil Collins


When I'm feeling blue, all I have to do

Is take a look at you, then I'm not so blue

When you're close to me, I can feel your heart beat

I can hear you breathing near my ear

Wouldn't you agree, baby you and me got a groovy kind of love

Anytime you want to you can turn me onto

Anything you want to, anytime at all

When I kiss your lips, ooh I start to shiver

Can't control the quivering inside

Wouldn't you agree, baby you and me got a groovy kind of love, oh

When I'm feeling blue, all I have to do

Is take a look at you, then I'm not so blue

When I'm in your arms, nothing seems to matter

My whole world could shatter, I don't care

Wouldn't you agree, baby you and me got a groovy kind of love

We got a groovy kind of love

We got a groovy kind of love, oh

We got a groovy kind of love

Loredana Outfit

Now @ Melis Crazy Shop

In remembrance of William Claxton 1927-2008

Imagine you learn a foreign language so you can visit another country and communicate with the people there. In this case german, since that is one of the languages the internet tells you they speak. And then finally you visit that country and, true enough, all the signs when you land at the airport are in german. So you venture out and listen to the native speak to see how good your language skills are. And you can't understand a single word? Huh? Some words sound familiar, true, but.. it sounds more like dutch in a way? What is going on?

Welcome to my country where german is one of the official languages (next to french and italian) but we only use german for writing. The language we use is a very different dialect, so different that not even german understands us. So it is not you, it is us. And to make matters worse, every region and state uses a slightly different version of that language. I have no clue how our language sounds to foreigners, but we surely love it. And there is a very lively music scene here too. Our songs are full of themes like love, homesickness, tragedy and most songs are always a bit depressed, yet with a hint of irony and acceptance. One of my favorite songs is this one, the title translates to crimson red. It's a love song,just with our own flavor


Scharlachrot - Patent Ochsner


Die isch ja filmryf

Die szene i dere frytignacht

Dr mond isch es wysses runds loch

& Luegt glych zur wösch uus win I

Hie bin I lang

Viu z lang allei gsi

& Ha fläsche ghöut

Schtunge zeut i däm viu z grosse bett

& Ha gseh

Wie sech d wäut wacker dräit

...nume nid um mi...

& Jitz bisch du cho

Grad jitz

Won I's nümm hätti dänkt

& Luegsch dry

Wie wenn's öppis schön z gwinne gäb

Für di & für mi

Im schlimmschte fall nume e nacht

I boue mir myni tröim uuf rund um di

& Male se scharlachrot a

I brönne mir di name z mitts i mys härz

Chönnt schwöre dass I ewig blybe we üs nüt

Drzwüsche chunnt

& Jitz bisch du cho

Grad jitz

Won I's nümm hätti dänkt

& Luegsch dry

Wie wenn's öppis schön z gwinne gäb

Für di & für mi

Im schlimmschte fall nume e nacht

I boue mir myni tröim uuf rund um di

& Male se scharlachrot a

I brönne mir di name z mitts i mys härz

Chönnt schwöre dass I ewig blybe we üs nüt

Drzwüsche chunnt

I boue mir myni tröim uuf rund um di

& Male se scharlachrot a

I brönne mir di name z mitts i mys härz

Chönnt schwöre dass I ewig blybe we üs nüt

Drzwüsche chunnt


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