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Lost my best friend to cancer today. At least she didn't suffer. She gave me her best ten years. A great sheep dog.

© All Rights Reserved by Đorđe Rusić

Please do not use this photo without my written permission.

May 15, 135/365

We are dog sitting again for a week. This time it is Freddie, my sisters Yorkie. He is quite cute and very small. He also poses quite well.

My sister's girl, she's around 9 years old.

Our son's recue dog resting on the couch after a day of play at the lake

Ok, so it's a Husky Dog, but we have a joke around these parts which makes it an Indian Dog, so there!

Taken at The Ex, Ontario Place when the IAMS Dog Show was in town. :)


Somewhere In Toronto : Photography Journal

pin a tail on a dog

My Golden Retriever Diesel

As far as I know, Midori's not allowed to drink the nasty green stuff she's named after.

My dog Oliver when he was still just a pup.

Possession is nine-tenths the law. Boyo.

Well, he is a nice little puppy that one of my neighbors has...just a bit too restless.

I was talking with my friend in front of her house with Pug and her dog, Ron, getting ready to take a walk when this tiny dog of her next door neighbor came to charge Pug and almost bit him. This was taken after his keeper tried to calm him down....not so successfully...



Vinnie posing for our Christmas card

© All rights reserved. Use or reproduction of this image without the prior written consent of the copyright holder Trish Aleve, is in violation of the copyright law.


My ball!

Soft, afternoon, large quantity and level light from the sun coming down.

Zenit 12XP - Kodak ColorPlus 200

Nikolai, a k a Kolja, has been rescued by Lisa and her husband some two years ago. He is a hunting dog who had been abused and consequently severely traumatised.

Kolja walks with his tail folded between his legs. He fears everything and everybody, although it's been better recently.

My heart went out to him, poor doggie :-(

Corcho, el podenco de dos meses, en el páramo de Lora

got a haircut for his 5th bday.

Miniature Schnauzer - 4 months

Meet Chip, the Dalmation with lovely soft brown eyes.

Taken with Nex3n and Minolta Rokkor 50mm 1.4

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