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If you've ever had native American persimmons before, you know they're a delicacy. Make the most of this unique fruit with an easy, quick bread recipe. 

A cross between giant, light-as-air donut holes and tender, spiced cake, these heavenly puffs are blanketed in cinnamon sugar.


Protein is a macronutrient that’s essential to the body’s growth and maintenance and is found in nearly every part of the body: skin, bone, muscle, blood, tissue and hair. Protein is the body’s second-most abundant substance, after water. Doctors and nutritionists recommend consuming about 7…

Content by St. James Winery. Whether you’re an oenophile or someone just starting to dabble in wines, St. James Winery’s new bubbly wines provide some authentic flavor notes — think, fresh fruit — to the tasting experience.