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ESC Media and Embargo Policy

ESC Media and Embargo Policy for Media Representatives

Access the ESC Media and Embargo Policy for Media Representatives here. 

This document is for media outlets, journalists and members of the press including, but not limited to, reporters for print, broadcast, and online media outlets.

Last update 2 April 2022

ESC Media and Embargo Policy for Third Parties 

Access the ESC Media and Embargo Policy for Third Parties here. 

This document is for scientists, authors, researchers, organisations, companies, sponsors, presenters, exhibitors (and their representatives or any other party acting on their behalf) and others with access to research accepted during an ESC event or related to an ESC publication.

Last update 2 April 2022


If you have any questions relating to the Policy, please contact the ESC Press Office:
press@escardio.org or +33(0)4 89 87 20 75