How to Make an Actually-Filling Breakfast Smoothie

What's the difference between a smoothie you'd have with breakfast and a smoothie you'd have for breakfast? It comes down to three things. 
Photo of a Nutribullet blender being used to make a kale smoothie.
Photo by Joseph De Leo

Maybe you resolved back in January to get a healthier start to your day. And you thought that a smoothie might be your answer to a quick, nutritious breakfast before heading to work. Once you’re seated at your desk, though, your stomach is sounding off with monstrous rumbles the entire office can hear. Yes, this is lowkey embarrassing—but really, it’s just annoying. Because didn’t you just have breakfast?

Here’s the truth: Not all smoothies are created equal. And not all smoothies should be considered breakfast. But there are ways to make smoothies both good-tasting and filling enough to last you through the morning.

To find out how, I spoke to a few experts who told me that feeling full involves a myriad of mental and physical cues. Still, certain foods are known to promote a feeling of fullness, and the difference between a smoothie you’d have with breakfast and a smoothie you’d have for breakfast comes down to three primary factors.

Fiber, Always

If fullness is what you’re after, then fiber is key. Nutritionist and Holistic Health Coach Mia Rigden says, “High fiber foods tend to make us feel fuller longer because they digest more slowly.” And luckily, you probably already have great fiber sources in your kitchen. Those old-fashioned rolled oats sitting in your pantry pack about five grams of fiber per serving. You can throw them into your smoothie raw, or soak them in water for a smoother texture. If you’re the over-achieving type, soak them in almond or coconut milk for added depth, like Anna Stockwell does for this super green smoothie bowl.

And those apples sitting on your counter? They do double duty in smoothies by bringing fiber and natural sweetness. According to Rigden, using fruits to naturally sweeten your smoothies is the way to go—they’ll help fight two things: a spike in blood sugar and an afternoon crash. Putting a chopped apple in your smoothie adds up to about five grams of fiber—just make sure to leave the skin on.

To get an even bigger bang for your buck, toss in a few pitted dates, which add seven grams of fiber per serving and have a highly concentrated sweetness, so you won’t need to add honey or other sweeteners later.

Liz Moody, author of Healthier Together, says she often reaches for a few big handfuls of greens. “I like to pack in as many vegetables as possible,” she says. “My smoothie base is a mix of greens you can find at any grocery store—you get a ton of fiber from them.”

Fiber, in its greenest form.

Photo by Chelsea Kyle, Food Styling by Anna Stockwell

Pack in the Protein

Roughage isn’t the only thing that can help your smoothie’s staying power. To make an actually-filling smoothie, you need protein, too. Studies show that protein contributes more to sensations of fullness than fat or carbohydrates do, because it reduces levels of ghrelin (the hunger hormone), while boosting the levels of peptide YY (a hormone that makes you feel full).

One of the easiest ways to add protein to your smoothies is to include a spoonful of your favorite nut butter: peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter—whatever kind you’re craving. They’re all high in protein, but they’re also high in fat, which makes smoothies more rich and velvety and helps you feel satiated.

Greek yogurt is another protein-packed ingredient that adds a great velvety texture to smoothies. While both whole milk and low-fat Greek yogurts give you somewhere between 10 and 20 grams of protein per serving, I usually opt for full-fat, because it lends creamier, more luscious results—not to mention a satisfying milky flavor, which is especially nice in recipes like this wake-me-up matcha-mango smoothie.

But making your smoothie creamy doesn’t mean you have to add dairy. Blending a serving of soft silken tofu into your smoothie will add about seven grams of protein and a subtle flavor that complements any and all other smoothie ingredients.

If you’re into having a little crunch, then raw nuts and seeds are great ingredients, too. “Your smoothies also don’t have to be super liquidy,” says Rigden. “Chewing actually helps promote satiety.”

She likes putting crunchy ingredients in her smoothies and using them as toppings. Her favorite smoothie toppers: cacao nibs, chia seeds, hemp seeds, unsweetened coconut flakes, and bee pollen. “Personally, I like my smoothies thicker, and I will often eat them with a spoon,” she says.

All those seeds are great sources of protein, though hemp seeds or hemp hearts (which are technically a nut) are at the top of the heap. We like them in this secret mango creamsicle smoothie.

Don’t Skimp on the Fat

While fiber and protein help you get full, healthy fats help you stay full. “I notice that a lot of people are hesitant to add fat in their smoothies and are subsequently not satisfied,” Rigden says. She ensures her smoothies have enough healthy fats by throwing in a quarter or half an avocado.

“Avocado lends a wonderful creaminess and serves as both a fat and fiber source,” she says. Rigden also offers a tip: If you have avocados that you’re worried you can’t use in time, peel and slice them into quarters and put them in the freezer; they’ll add creamy chill for months to come. (I promise they don’t even turn brown!)

And those nuts and seeds we talked about? Most of them are triple threats—packing all the fiber, protein, and fat you need to feel satisfied. Kudos to chia seeds, which have 11 grams of fiber, four grams of protein, and nine grams of fat per ounce—I love them for their soft, pudding-like texture. Just make sure to soak them in water or milk for 10 to 20 minutes before adding to the blender; they’ll absorb the liquid, becoming gel-like and easier to digest.

Moody’s fatty go-tos are chia seeds, flax seeds, hulled hemp hearts, pistachios, and coconut milk. Unsweetened canned coconut milk brings a silky component to this tropical smoothie—if you’re looking for even richer, creamier results, use unsweetened coconut cream.

It’s a lot to think about. But if you’re looking to avoid those mid-morning stomach growls (and weird looks from your coworkers), you have to treat your breakfast smoothie as you’d treat any well-rounded breakfast—even though you’re sipping it through a straw.

Looking for recipes for breakfast smoothies? Right this way...