Europe | A new hypothesis

The French armed forces are planning for high-intensity war

After a decade of counter-insurgency, plans are changing


IN THE FORESTS and plains of the Champagne-Ardenne region, where once the great powers went into battle, the French armed forces are beginning to prepare for the return of a major conflict. Planned for 2023, Exercise Orion is a full-scale divisional exercise that will last several days, based probably out of camps at Suippes, Mailly and Mourmelon. It will involve the full range of French military capacity on a scale not tested for decades. The drill will include command-post exercises, hybrid scenarios, simulation and live-fire drills. Around 10,000 soldiers could take part, as well as the air force and, in a separate maritime sequence, the navy. Belgian, British and American forces may join in.

This article appeared in the Europe section of the print edition under the headline “Tanks again”

Message in a bottleneck: Don't give up on globalisation

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