Europe | Charlemagne

How Netflix is creating a common European culture

Streaming subtitled box sets is the new Eurovision

“BARBARIANS”, A NETFLIX drama set 2,000 years ago in ancient Germania, inverts some modern stereotypes. In it, sexy, impulsive, proto-German tribesmen take on an oppressive superstate led by cold, rational Latin-speakers from Rome. Produced in Germany, it has all the hallmarks of a glossy American drama (gratuitous violence and prestige nudity) while remaining unmistakably German (in one episode someone swims through a ditch full of scheisse). It is a popular mix: on a Sunday in October, it was the most-watched show on Netflix not just in Germany, but also in France, Italy and 14 other European countries.

This article appeared in the Europe section of the print edition under the headline “Netflix Europa”

Message in a bottleneck: Don't give up on globalisation

From the March 31st 2021 edition

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