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Information Technology Supervision

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Reporting cybersecurity breaches

Given the heightened cyber threat environment, we would like to remind you of our expectations for effective computer security incident response and reporting, in the event your bank experiences a cybersecurity breach.

For incidents reportable under both SR 22-4 Contact Information in Relation to Computer-Security Incident Notification Requirements and SR 05-23 Interagency Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized Access to Customer Information and Customer Notice, following the SR 22-4 process will also fulfill SR 05-23 requirements.

To report an SR 22-4—Computer-Security Incidents:

  • Email the Federal Reserve System incident mailbox at or contact the Incident Notification Line at 866-364-0096, and
  • Notify your Central Point of Contact.

To report an SR 05-23—Sensitive Customer Data Incident:

For more information, see Cybersecurity IT Incident Response and Reporting


Requesting service-provider examination reports

The Federal Banking Agencies distribute Reports of Examination (ROE) resulting from its supervision of Technology Service Providers to regulated financial institutions that are either included in the customer list or can demonstrate they had an active contract at the time of the examination.

Please direct requests for service-provider examination reports to:


IT regulations


IT supervision and regulation letters


IT guidance

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Information Technology Examination Handbook (IT Handbook) provides guidance to examiners and financial institutions on the characteristics of an effective information technology (IT) program.

Details can be found at the following:


IT frequently asked questions


IT outreach information


Who to contact about IT examinations