A woman who feels she's being "single-shamed" by her smitten colleagues at work has confessed to feeling a sense of despair as she continues to navigate life solo.

Pouring her heart out candidly on Mumsnet, she expressed that society makes the unattached feel as though there's "something wrong with them". Seeking advice from others dealing with the same emotions of shame and inadequacy, she shared: "I've been really struggling with this for a while. I'm in my early 30s and have been single for four years."

She further revealed: "I've dated for most of that time (OLD) and had a few 2-3 month relationships. However they have either fizzled out or something has happened to cause me to end it."

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She also stated that her frustrations are exacerbated by having a "successful career" and owning her "own place" - and although she has plenty of "hobbies and a large number of friends" - she lamented that things are just not falling into place for her. The mindset of her workmates is only adding to her misery, meanwhile.

Other Mumsnet users told the woman to embrace the life she currently leads
Other Mumsnet users told the woman to embrace the life she currently leads (stock)

Describing that work environment, she said: "I work in an office full of women between the ages of 35-45 so a bit older than me but they all are married and some have kids. They are very judgmental and the type of women who are obsessed with their men (all they talk about).

"I can tell my colleagues especially think less of me for being single. We had work drinks yesterday and I think this has really triggered my feelings of inadequacy here."

Further, she stated her desires from a future partner are simple - someone who is neither "abusive nor a red flag" but rather "complements" her life. And ending her post, she admitted: "I've started looking into egg freezing as I would like to have a family. I feel like I need to get used to the possibility that I may never meet someone. But I feel so ashamed and like I can't face the world like this."

Her post garnered an outpouring of assurance from other users who stressed there's no shame in being single. In fact, some suggested those belittling her may actually be "jealous" of her freedom.

"Stay single if needs be to avoid that and start owning your freedom to others who bang on about their coupledom," one user urged. "I would bet there are few happily marrieds amongst them who will actually be envious of your lifestyle."

Another chimed in saying: "I don't understand why you would be ashamed of not being in a relationship. You just haven't met any one to be in a relationship with surely. The women you work with are only telling you what they want you to hear, and even if their relationships are great that's not a reflection on you."