An experts has revealed five simple washing machine tricks to keep them clean and free of mould.

Given the frequent use of washing machines, maintaining their cleanliness and functionality is crucial. A washer that is well cared for can endure for many years and ultimately save money over time.

However, an essential aspect of maintenance is ensuring the machines remain free of mould, which frequently occurs in washing machines, particularly around the seal where dirt and moisture tend to accumulate.

Mould experts at Advanced Damp have shared five tips to get rid of mould from your washing machines. Here is what they want you to know.

1. Leave the door open after each use

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After each wash, the interior of your washing machine may become warm and moist – ideal conditions for mold and mildew growth. To prevent this, it's advisable to leave the door ajar to allow for ventilation.

The experts recommend: "Always leave the washing machine door open after each use, as it helps it dry out quicker and reduces moisture, which in turn keeps your washer mould free."

2. Wipe off the seals and inside surfaces

Close up of hand cleaning dirty washing machine sealing rubber
Give the inside of the door a quick wipe with a cloth after each wash

After a wash, condensation builds up in the seals and interior of your washing machine. If not aired out, this moisture can become problematic, leading to the growth of mold and mildew.

The experts suggest: "Give the inside of the door a quick wipe with a cloth after each wash, especially if you don't use your machine daily. For front loaders, gently pull back the gasket (the big rubber seal) and wipe it clean and dry too. It's also important to look for any socks that might’ve gotten stuck in the gasket."

3. Clean every few months and check the filter

Over time, washing machines can build up detergent residues, lint, and other debris. This can lead to mould, nasty smells, and a machine that’s not working as well as it could. To keep your washer tip-top and make it last longer, clean it regularly and check the filter.

"The ideal routine for cleaning your washing machine would be to clean the rubber door seal after each use, clean the detergent drawer every five washes, descale your washing machine once a month, and clean the filter and give the machine a good scrub every 1-3 months.

You can also set your machine on a hot wash with a cup of white vinegar in to freshen it up and remove any unpleasant smells," suggest the experts.

4. Remove clothes right away

Leaving damp clothes in the washing machine can foster a warm, moist environment conducive to mold and mildew growth. This can lead to unpleasant smells and potentially damage your garments.

"Try to avoid leaving your laundry in the machine for extended periods, especially overnight. The damp, enclosed environment can be a breeding ground for mould growth.

If you tend to forget, setting a phone timer as a reminder when the wash cycle finishes can be a handy trick to get your clothes onto the dryer," say the experts.

5. Don’t use too much detergent

Washing towels
Follow these five steps and you'll never deal with mould again

An excessive amount of detergent can leave a residue in your washing machine. This residue may build up in the drum, detergent drawer, and seals, creating an environment conducive to mold and mildew growth.

"Using too much detergent won’t get your clothes any cleaner, but leave residue on them instead. Make sure to always follow the instructions on dosages for liquids, powders, and capsules,” say the experts.

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