• All Illinois school board members must receive training in professional development leadership (P.A. 97-8) and the Open Meetings Act (P.A. 97-504). For additional information, see Board policy 2:120, Board Member Development.

    Open Meetings Act Training

    Below is the year each board member completed this training.

    • William Dussling - 2012
    • Frank Fiarito - 2023
    • Mark Hineman - 2012
    • Alva Kreutzer - 2012
    • Mildred "Millie" Palmer - 2017
    • Andrea Rauch - 2021
    • Leonard "Lenny" Walker - 2017 

    Professional Development Leadership Training for New School Board Members

    Below is the year each board member completed this training.

    • William Dussling - 2015
    • Frank Fiarito - 2023
    • Alva Kreutzer - 2015
    • Mildred "Millie" Palmer - 2017
    • Mark Hineman - 2017
    • Andrea Rauch - 2022
    • Leonard "Lenny" Walker - 2017

    Basics of Governance

    Below is the year each board member completed this training.

    • Andrea Rauch - 2022
    • Frank Fiarito - 2023