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Colorado’s education system is at a crossroads. Student achievement in basic graduation requirements for all subjects is at a dismal level. The resulting student test scores for science, reading, writing and math hinder numerous kids from achieving their full potential. Thousands of Colorado… Continue Reading Bipartisan school-finance bills put students over systems | PODIUM

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The severity and ferocity of cyberattacks are real. Ransomware, data theft extortion and social engineering attacks continue to escalate and threaten individuals and industry. Commerce and government are responding, but the breakneck speed of breach technology is proving difficult to keep up… Continue Reading Addressing Colorado’s cyber-tech talent shortage | PODIUM

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Property taxes remain a hot topic in Colorado and rightly so. During COVID, economists expected home values to fall as the economy experienced a sharp recession. So in 2020, the legislature asked voters to eliminate a 40-year-old law that prevented property taxes from rising in unison with t… Continue Reading Property tax bill produced key improvements thanks to GOP participation | PODIUM

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Despite the untold potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and Colorado’s extraordinary innovation talent base, Colorado lawmakers are approaching AI legislation without soliciting input from our community. As a result, and perhaps in their haste to stop feared misuses of AI, they are rush… Continue Reading New legislation oversimplifies AI, harms innovation | PODIUM

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There was a time in the state legislature when the two parties found common ground on important issues. Though it may seem a quaint relic of the past, one issue where there was broad agreement was Colorado’s groundbreaking system of public-school choice, including our dynamic system of chart… Continue Reading Upending consensus on Colorado’s charter schools | PODIUM

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Currently the safety of our communities, workers and ecosystems are literally being derailed by railroad companies’ dangerous practices that put profit ahead of people. For too long, states and the federal government have overlooked critical safety standards that could protect communities fr… Continue Reading Profiteering of off-the-rails rail companies endanger us all | PODIUM

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As someone living with a complex and autoimmune form of arthritis, I understand the importance of access to affordable and effective treatments. For years, I endured debilitating symptoms — severe pain, fatigue and inflammation — before finding a medication that improved my quality of life. … Continue Reading Colorado patients deserve transparent, affordable Rx access | PODIUM

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As the Colorado state representative for Parker and the surrounding community, I am compelled to address a matter of great significance that cast a long shadow over our business community and our Chamber of Commerce last summer — the abrupt shutdown of the Parker Wine Walks by the Liquor Enf… Continue Reading Small biz struggles to survive with state shutdown of community event | PODIUM

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As a family medicine physician, I take care of patients daily who smoke cigarettes and vape various forms of nicotine-containing products such as e-cigarettes. I know the harmful effects of smoking–lung cancer, heart disease, premature death — in fact, more than 5,000 Coloradans prematurely … Continue Reading State bill to permit county tobacco sales bans benefits youth, minorities | PODIUM

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On some level Colorado will always be an attractive place to do business. Our intangibles are nearly unbeatable — the weather, the incredible access to an outdoor lifestyle a healthy and thriving populace — but we’re concerned Colorado could lose some of its competitive edge if it’s perceive… Continue Reading Anti-oil-and-gas bill ‘a looming disaster for Colorado’ | PODIUM

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Human trafficking is a $150 billion industry propped up by morally bankrupt people committing heinous crimes, many of which involve children. Our nation's failing border stimulates this industry, as well as our lenient state laws on human trafficking and Denver's status as a sanctuary city. … Continue Reading Overhaul of Colorado's lenient human trafficking laws long overdue | PODIUM

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Like any Coloradan with young kids, my household is a hive of activity and emotions. The pre-teen stage of parenting is rewarding. I enjoy seeing my kids form their own opinions, explore new ideas and take steps to become more independent. But it’s also challenging, especially in today’s wor… Continue Reading Colorado can address social-media victimization of kids | PODIUM

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As the Council-appointed representative to Broomfield’s Advisory Committee on Environmental Sustainability (ACES), I had the opportunity to work in our Broomfield Days booth where we had a game involving spinning a wheel, answering a question and winning a small prize. When a young family ca… Continue Reading Producer Responsibility Program makes Colorado recycling easy | PODIUM

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While inflation nationally has been on a downward trend, Colorado’s rising prices continue to outpace the national average, putting immense financial strain on businesses and consumers alike. Unknown to many consumers, credit card swipe fees contribute to rising prices, averaging 1.5% to 3.5… Continue Reading Card swipe fees a hidden cost to Colorado businesses, consumers | PODIUM

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Last week, a district court judge in Denver ruled Colorado’s General Assembly violated the state’s Open Meetings Law by engaging in a series of meetings through an intermediary — a private company that manages what’s called “quadratic voting” — and thereby engaged in an unlawful gathering of… Continue Reading Do the public’s business in public view | PODIUM

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Colorado Parks and Wildlife last week made history by releasing the first batch of five wolves, embarking on a long-awaited reintroduction program that will return the howl of the wolf to the mountains of Colorado, along with the ecological benefits wolves bring to the landscape. Gov. Jared … Continue Reading Setting Colorado’s wolves up for success | PODIUM

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Small businesses are the heartbeat of the Colorado economy by employing nearly half the state��s workforce. As the president of HJB Convenience, I’ve encountered the usual struggles of running a moderately-sized business. I'm tirelessly competing with larger chains for a slice of market share… Continue Reading Give small biz a lifeline, support credit card reform | PODIUM

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It's not an exaggeration to say our Latino workforce is essential to the health and wealth of our economy. Whether it's in agriculture or technology, as caretakers and educators, in maintenance or innovation, or as construction workers building our infrastructure or dreamers building hope fo… Continue Reading Latino workers the soul of Colorado culinary scene | PODIUM

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The Colorado Medical Board’s rules regarding abortion pill reversal, or APR, suddenly changed from “not unprofessional conduct per se,” to being considered outside the “generally accepted standards of medicine.” I ask board members, were you following the science, or bowing to political pres… Continue Reading Following science, or money, on abortion pill reversal? | PODIUM

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Over the next decade, rural communities in Western states have a huge opportunity to increase the amount of energy they provide to major urban centers. By making the most of this opportunity, we can strengthen our communities with more investment, jobs and funding for critical services. Continue Reading A better way to store energy for the West’s power grid | PODIUM