Kelly Sloan

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We have had a few days to digest, a little, what happened on the weekend. There remain a lot of questions, many of which will never be answered to any degree of satisfaction. But we can at least start to get a sense of what the assassination attempt on former President Trump has changed in t…

Paula Noonan

Hal Bidlack

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Many years ago, my big sister Martha told me about the time she didn’t want to take a nap. This was before I was even a glimmer in my dad’s eye, and at that moment, my dad’s biggest concern was to get her to, well, take a much-needed nap. Years later, she told me that she thought she had fig…

Jimmy Sengenberger

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On Monday, U.S. District Court Chief Judge Philip A. Brimmer issued a stay halting implementation of a new state law which raises the age to purchase firearms to 21 — violating the individual right to bear arms. This was the right call.

Miller Hudson

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Since I was a teenager, I’ve been an early riser. In college I would sign-up for the 7:00 AM labs and, as much as possible, schedule all my classes before noon. Thus, as a freshman at the University of Maryland, I was reading a textbook the afternoon of November 22, 1963, in my third-floor d…

Jon Caldara

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A friend just told me of his relatively recent suicide attempt. Like me he's around 60 years old. Unlike me he survived a great deal of war trauma in the military. And trauma will come for you sooner or later no matter how far down and how long you bury it.

Rachel Gabel

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An athlete I’m not. If you ever see me running, you should run, too, because whatever is pursuing me is terrifying. Lucky for you, though, if it hasn’t yet caught me, we can assume it’s also slow.

Sean Duffy

Sean Duffy

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Much has been written about the 2019 Pay for Silence scandal which involved the highest level offices of the Colorado judicial branch including the Colorado Supreme Court. Reporting by David Migoya from the Denver Gazette disclosed then-Chief Justice Nathan Coats was prepared to offer a mult…

Dick Wadhams

George Brauchler

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In matters of public concern — just like in our private lives — we should be ready to extend grace and forgiveness to those who offend us. We should not forgive Colorado state Rep. Steven Woodrow. Not until he masters the prerequisite skill of taking responsibility.

Tom Cronin and Bob Loevy