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Many of Colorado's leading Democratic elected officials and others who will have a say in picking the party's presidential ticket said Sunday that they support nominating Vice President Kamala Harris after President Joe Biden's historic decision to withdraw from the race less than four month… Continue Reading Colorado's Democratic convention delegates throw support behind Kamala Harris as party's nominee

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A political nonprofit that aided in Gov. Jared Polis's transition as Colorado's chief executive shortly after his 2018 election has admitted to violating Colorado’s campaign finance laws and is on the hook for thousands of dollars in fines.  Continue Reading Nonprofit that aided Polis' transition team violated campaign finance laws

Editor's Pick
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Amid the often-polarizing debates over crime at the state Capitol, the officers and experts who actually deal with criminal cases on a daily basis argued that to judge Colorado based on whether it is “soft” or “hard” entirely misses the point. Continue Reading 'Tough' or 'soft' on crime? That framing misses the point, experts say | COVER

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Colorado Democrats on Tuesday applauded President Joe Biden's executive order to shield from deportation hundreds of thousands of individuals who are living in the country illegally and are married to American citizens.   Continue Reading Colorado Democrats applaud Biden's latest immigration order, while Republicans call it 'madness'

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Colorado Gov. Jared Polis on Thursday vowed to revise a new law on artificial intelligence amid worries by businesses that, contrary to its goals, the legislation would stifle innovation without resolving the problems it sought to remedy. Continue Reading Colorado governor, attorney general vow to revise recently-enacted AI law

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The flow of the Colorado River past Xcel’s Shoshone power plant just east of Glenwood Springs is running at around 12,000 cubic feet per second this week. If that sounds like a lot, it is.  Continue Reading Colorado River coalition gains funding to purchase of 1 million acre-feet of Shoshone water rights

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Colorado Governor Jared Polis has announced a focus on investing housing money into modular and manufactured housing projects in 2023. The state aims to invest in Colorado-based companies to keep the cost of modular homes reasonable, as many are manufactured out of state. The state has already invested $38 million in loans to eight developers who will build more than 4,700 modular homes annually. The state will manage 60% of next year's money while the Department of Local Affairs will manage the remaining 40%. The funding will be split among multiple agencies, including the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade and the Colorado Housing and Financing Authority. Continue Reading Colorado prioritizes modular housing projects with Proposition 123 money in 2025

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Gov. Jared Polis signed a bill on Tuesday establishing a statewide racial equity study to "determine and make recommendations related to any historic and ongoing effects of slavery and subsequent systemic racism" on Black Coloradans as a result of state actions.  Continue Reading Gov. Jared Polis signs bill to establish Black Coloradan Racial Equity Commission

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Colorado recently became the first state in the nation to pass a law requiring county jails and detention centers to create makeshift polling locations for those being held but have not yet been convicted to vote in person during general elections. Continue Reading Colorado sets precedent with in-person voting requirement in jails for general elections

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One year after Gov. Jared Polis saw local-government backers block his land-use reform bill and then vetoed his party’s efforts to give cities and counties right of first refusal on some apartment sales, he signed two housing bills Thursday that attack the issues in new ways. Continue Reading A year makes a big difference for first-refusal, housing-study efforts

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Colorado voters face two broad options that seek to tackle soaring property tax valuations — one enacted by lawmakers to cut both residential and commercial assessment rates and another via proposed initiatives to revert taxing levels back to two years ago and then place a hard cap on revenu… Continue Reading Colorado voters face complicated options on property taxes in November

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Gov. Jared Polis this week signed three bills related to affordable housing into law. These measures gained the sought-after support from local governments that had eluded the administration up until now. Continue Reading Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signs bills aimed at boosting Colorado affordable housing efforts

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Three bills vetoed by Gov. Jared Polis last Friday prompted progressive Democrats and union allies to hold a boisterous rally on the west steps of the state Capitol on Thursday. Continue Reading Progressive Democrats and unions protest against Gov. Jared Polis' veto of wage theft bill, others

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A parent who sued the Wellington School District over an LGBTQ middle-high school club is seeking to put a measure in front of voters in November that would require schools to notify parents when their child expresses "gender incongruence." Continue Reading Ballot initiatives seek to ban biological boys in girls' sports, require schools to notify parents over 'gender incongruence'

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Gov. Jared Polis’ office announced late Friday evening that the governor has rejected six bills, including measures that deal with employee discipline, construction wages and the treatment of energy derived from burning solid waste.  Continue Reading Gov. Jared Polis vetoes 6 bills dealing with 'white bagging,' youth sports and more

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As a result of 101 bills passed by the Colorado legislature, over $2.8 billion in state TABOR refunds will not go to Colorado taxpayers between 2024 and 2026, according to a recent report from the Common Sense Institute. Continue Reading Colorado taxpayers to lose $2.8 billion in TABOR refunds due to legislature, study shows

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Organizations representing the technology industry are urging Colorado Gov. Jared Polis to veto a bill they say could negatively impact small businesses developing cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology.  Continue Reading Organizations urge Colorado governor to veto AI bill, say it will hurt small businesses