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Indeed, politics in our two-party system is rather binary. Republicans selected their ticket and made their case over four celebratory days in Milwaukee immediately following the near miss attempt on Donald Trump’s life the previous weekend.

This week in Milwaukee, Donald Trump will join a rare group of only four Americans who have received their party’s presidential nomination in three consecutive elections. The others were Andrew Jackson, Grover Cleveland and Franklin D. Roosevelt who, of course, set the record at four.

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As I write, this is the sandwich day between Tuesday’s Colorado primary election and Thursday’s presidential debate. Without further ado, let’s look both backward and ahead.

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In Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico just elected its first female president. By doing so, our southern neighbor, known for its culture of machismo, among other features, joined with plenty other countries the world over in choosing a woman to hold the top executive office.

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It’s become an autonomic reflex. For any Republican to differ with Donald Trump — much less criticize him whether on policy or manner —  is to be subject to the robotic retort that such questioner is a RINO, short for a Republican in Name Only.

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There is only so much political oxygen. Around here, attention is currently consumed by the final weeks of the legislative session, along with the perpetual oxygen-sucking machines that go by names like Trump, Boebert, and Williams.