
The Neighbourhood Co-operation Priorities with Kazakhstan 2024-2027 is the third document that defines the co-operation priorities between the Council of Europe and Kazakhstan. It was developed in close co-operation with the Kazakh authorities and was adopted by the Committee of Ministers at its 1478th meeting on 18 October 2023.

The Neighbourhood Co-operation Priorities for 2024-2027 builds on the achievements of the co-operation implemented since 2014, in particular by encouraging accession to Council of Europe conventions. The objective of the document is to continue co-operation in the field of fighting corruption, improving independence of justice and advancing constitutional reform and to initiate co-operation in new priority areas such as prevention of torture and ill-treatment, safeguarding human rights in criminal proceedings, combating violence against women, protecting children’s rights; addressing economic crimes; cybercrime; action against trafficking in human beings; sport and decentralisation.

In order to implement the defined objectives, Kazakhstan participates in the European Union/Council of Europe regional initiatives for Central Asia, namely the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme and the programme Support to reforms of electoral legislation and practice and regional Human Rights instruments and mechanisms in countries of Latin America, Central Asia and Mongolia."

contribution to sustainable development goals


Through the implementation of the aforementioned programme and co-operation activities, the Council of Europe contributed to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), notably SDG 4 (target 7), SDG 5 and SDG 16 (targets 3 and a).

More information: Overview of the Council of Europe Contribution to the UN 2030 Agenda.