The European Union/Council of Europe joint programmeCentral Asia Rule of Law Programme” (2020-2024*) was signed on 28 November 2019 in Astana, Kazakhstan. The Programme covers all five countries of the region – Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan – and is in line with the Council of Europe Policy towards neighbouring regions that seeks to facilitate democratic political transition; to help to promote good governance, on the basis of the relevant Council of Europe standards, mechanisms and instruments; and to reinforce and enlarge the Council of Europe regional action in combating trans-border and global threats.

This Programme is open to all Central Asian countries and aims to reinforce human rights, the rule of law and democracy in accordance with European and other international standards, based on a demand-driven approach.

The Programme has demonstrated its relevance by addressing the existing needs of the national authorities and promoting best practice in the region.

*The Programme was extended until 30 June 2024.