Take a walk on the wild side and explore the immense rainforest of Latin America. Here you’ll see the amazing dexterity of spider monkeys and the mysterious prowl of jaguars, the largest cats in the Americas.



Native to southern Central America and and northern South America. Habitat includes swampy, grassy regions bordering rivers, ponds, streams, wetlands, and lakes.

Giant Anteater

Giant Anteater

Native to Central and South America. Habitat includes wetlands, grasslands and tropical rainforest.



Native to Central and South America. Habitat includes tropical rainforest.

Geoffroy's Marmosets

Geoffroy's Marmosets

Native to Brazil where they are known as the sagüi or sauim. Habitat includes lowland rainforest.



Native to Central and South America Habitat includes tropical rainforest



Native to Central and South America. Habitat includes tropical rainforest.

Prehensile Tailed Porcupine

Prehensile Tailed Porcupine

Native to Central and South America. Habitat includes forests.

Black Handed Spider Monkey

Black Handed Spider Monkey

Native to Southern Mexico and Central America. Habitat includes upper canopy levels of rainforests, evergreen forests, mangrove swamp forests, cloud forests, and more.



Native to Mexico, Central and South America. Habitat includes subtropical and tropical forests, woodlands and savannas.

More Corcovado Jungle Animals

More Corcovado Jungle Animals

Native to South America. Habitat includes various ecosystems for each species.