
PLEASE NOTE: You will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer in order to view some forms. If your computer does not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed, you may download it for free from

Below you will find links to some of the forms and resources from the Office of Human Resources. If you need a form that is not listed below, please contact the Office of Human Resources directly at 212-650-7226 or via email at .

Benefits Forms

Discipline Guidance (Classified Staff only)

Employee Workplace Hazards Survey

Payroll Forms and Schedules

Time Sheets - eCT Portal

Academic Leaves

Retirement Forms (Full-Time Teaching and Non-Teaching Instructional Staff)

Tax Withholding Forms

Telecommuting/Flexible Schedule

Tuition Waiver for CCNY Employees

Please deliver to Shepard Hall, rm 92 or email for processing

Last Updated: 07/08/2024 15:12