Our research in Oxford

Lab coats hung up on coat hooks in a lab in Oxford

In Oxford

  • 3,100 people were diagnosed with cancer each year in Oxford.
  • 58% of cancers are diagnosed early.
  • We spent over £19m in 2021/22.

We receive no government funding for our research. Our life-saving work relies on the money you give us.

The dedicated team in Oxford is made up of experts in a wide range of disciplines, including clinical trials and early detection. Our scientists in Oxford have particular expertise in oesophageal, bowel, brain and pancreatic cancers.

Established in 2010, the CRUK Oxford Centre is a network and partnership between Oxford University, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust and Cancer Research UK, based on the University’s Translational Biomedical Research Campus.

The Centre harnesses Oxford’s world-leading cancer research, supporting and connecting people working across a range of disciplines with the aim to facilitate research collaboration on a local, national and international scale to speed up translation from scientific discovery to treatments in patients.

Our Senior Research Nurse in Oxford facilitates the delivery of high-quality clinical trials and studies, getting new treatments into the clinic sooner.

The Oxford Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC) is a unique partnership between CRUK and the National Institute for Health Research in England to bring together lab scientists and cancer doctors to speed up the flow of ideas and new treatments from the lab to the clinic.