Our research in Glasgow

A picture of our Beatson Institute in Glasgow

In Glasgow

  • Around 7,300 people are diagnosed with cancer each year.
  • 55% of cancers are diagnosed early.
  • We spent nearly £23m on life-saving research in 2022/23.

We receive no government funding for our research. Our life-saving work relies on the money you give us.

Last year, we spent nearly £23 million in Glasgow. We work in partnership with the Universities of Glasgow and StrathclydeNHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and our CRUK Scotland Institute (formerly the Beatson Institute), enabling the smartest minds to work together on improving outcomes for people with cancer all over the world.

In Glasgow, our dedicated researchers are focusing on pancreatic, bowel and liver cancer.

The Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit delivers innovative and practice-changing clinical research that impacts the care and outcomes for cancer patients in the UK and across the world. The unit operates within the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde hospital, the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre.

Glasgow was previously home to our Cancer Research UK Glasgow Centre, but now forms part of our Cancer Research UK Scotland Centre, delivering world-leading research that accelerates the transition of lab-based discovery to the clinic for the benefit of people affected by cancer.