Donate this Christmas to help save lives

Donate to help us beat cancer

Donate today to support life-saving research

Thanks to supporters like you, we've played a leading role in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer that has seen survival double in the last 40 years.

We've come so far, but we will never stop. 1 in 2 people will get cancer in their life-time*. That's why we need your extra support this Christmas to bring more hope to people, like Jennifer, affected by cancer.

Despite the progress we've made over the last 20 years, the picture for people affected by cancer is still unacceptable. For example, every year around 48,500 people in the UK are diagnosed with lung cancer. It's the most commonly diagnosed cancer and leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. 

Your donation will help to fund transformative research discoveries that are desperately needed to help us detect cancer sooner and create more treatments that can change lives.

So please, if you can, donate today and together we will beat cancer

What your donation can fund

Sticker that says £50

If 100 people donate £50 each, we could fund one month of an exciting clinical trial that, if successful, could pave the way for significant improvements in survival for people with bile duct cancer.

Sticker that says £150

If 20 people donate £150 each, we could fund a week of research into liquid biopsies, a type of blood test which has the potential to provide doctors with a less invasive way to diagnose lung cancer at an earlier stage and monitor it over time.

Sticker that says £250

If 1,200 people donate £250, we could fund an international trial aiming to improve treatment for brain tumours in children for two years.