Linda's story

Linda's story


Use our free guide to leave a gift in your Will

Inside you will find useful tips on:

-The importance of writing a Will
-The types of gift you can leave
-Who can help you write your Will
-How gifts impact our research
-Choosing how your gift is spent
-Who to contact to take the next step

Get your free guide 

"I see a legacy as a celebration of the progress made."


"We set up a regular donation to Cancer Research UK and have also pledged a legacy. I see a legacy as a celebration of the progress made.

My son was diagnosed with testicular cancer when he was 26. He was about to get married and was going to be a father too. He had surgery a week before his wedding and went on honeymoon not knowing the type or the severity of the cancer, so not knowing if he would need chemotherapy on his return. That was 19 years ago and he and his wife now have two children. 

Since then, my Dad died from cancer, and then my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer six years ago. All three experiences are the reason why we need to support research. 

After my son's treatment, I wanted to say 'Thank you'. He'd benefitted from research, treatment and training that had taken place some time before his diagnosis.

I wanted to help pass that gift on to others in the future so that they could benefit in the same way. 

Going through cancer can be such a traumatic and dark time for a family, but leaving a legacy as we have done feels a very positive way of doing something about it. It means we can be optimistic about future diagnosis and treatment. 

I can't do the research myself, but I stand alongside the researchers and I am part of the progress that is being made. 

When I hear a news story about research or hear a survival story, I feel involved. I get so much out of supporting, and seeing where the money goes. Together, we are greater than the sum of our parts. 

And the process of going to see a solicitor to make your Will is just a bit of administration. It is the means to making this gift possible. 

And no gift is too small - every gift helps and I would say to others 'Do this and be part of this progress too.'"


Get in touch

Contact your nearest legacy team if you have any questions.