We campaigned for change for World Cancer Day

CRUK volunteers and Prime Minister standing outiside 10 Downing Street

Unite with us and the NHS

Missed out on using your voice on World Cancer Day? Don’t worry, you can still sign our petition asking the UK Government to train and employ more NHS staff to diagnose and treat cancer early. Through signing the petition, you are saving lives.

Sign the petition

United to tackle cancer

World Cancer Day is an international movement, uniting people around the world on 4 February to beat cancer. This year volunteer campaigners – people like you, who have lost loves ones to cancer, who have survived cancer, or who have worked to cure cancer – united across the country to raise their voice for all people affected by cancer. Taking political action is key to us preventing, treating and diagnosing cancer earlier in order for us to achieve survival of 3 in 4 by 2034. 

Volunteers talking with Boris Johnson

United for our NHS

15 CRUK volunteers met the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. They stood on the steps of 10 Downing Street in support of our Shoulder to Shoulder campaign. They told the PM about how the early diagnosis of cancer saves lives and that more staff are needed to diagnose cancer sooner if we want thousands more people to live a long life. Because of this, we have secured meetings with other key officials within 10 Downing Street, and we know that the Prime Minister is aware of the importance of early diagnosis and of how he needs to support our amazing NHS staff.

World cancer day

United through our voice

Over 1000 campaigners sent messages to their MPs to galvanise them to tackle cancer. And in a show of solidarity, thousands of you rallied on social media, sharing your unity band pictures and making #IAmAndIWill commitments detailing how you’ll act to beat cancer this year.

Thanks to our campaigners inviting their MPs, 140 of them stopped by at our World Cancer Day event at Parliament. These MPs learnt about how they could promote cancer issues in Parliament and the other ways they can help us beat cancer, such as ensuring there’s enough staff to diagnose cancer early.

Alongside MPs, you can stand with the NHS too. Sign our petition asking the Government for more staff to diagnose cancer.

3 people uniting at Holyrood for World Cancer Day

United across the devolved nations

No single person, organisation or country is going to beat cancer on its own and we all have a vital role to play. This year, politicians united with us across the devolved nations. 

In Northern Ireland MLAs tweeted their support. In Scotland, 9 MSPs from 4 of the 5 parties spoke up in our World Cancer Day debate in Holyrood. In Wales, a third of AMs dropped by at our World Cancer Day Senedd event to show their support for our cause. Then, in the Senedd, we saw Mark Isherwood AM speak up and call for an improvement to cancer services in Wales. 

Every action taken helps us to beat cancer. You can campaign for change too – Join us.

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