Biomarker Project Awards

About this scheme

Key information

Career level
Early career researcher
Established independent researcher
Research area
Biomarker research
Radiotherapy research
Imaging research
Surgery research
Final submission
Committee review
Funding period
Typically 3 years
Funding amount
Typically up to £100,000 per year*
From September 2024, we will be opening a new clinical research funding scheme which will replace all current clinical funding schemes available.

View details of our new clinical research funding scheme.

The biomarker project award provides funding for biomarker assay development, validation and qualification where there is a clear line of sight to clinical implementation.

You must be from a UK university, research institution, clinical centre or clinical trials unit (CTU). 

Scientific remit

This scheme accepts applications for biomarker assay development, validation and qualification where there is a clear line of sight to clinical implementation.

  • All types of biomarkers will be considered, including predisposition, screening, diagnostic, prognostic, predictive, pharmacological and surrogate response markers.
  • Proposals can use invasive or imaging techniques.
  • Biosamples or images can be collected as part of the proposal or accessed from existing sample/data sets.

Biomarker discovery proposals are not covered within the remit of this scheme. If your research aims to identify potential biomarkers, you may be eligible for our discovery research opportunities.

If your proposal includes research that seeks to enable the early detection of cancer or pre-cancerous states, you may be eligible for our early detection funding opportunities.

This scheme does not accept endorsements.

Funding support is provided for:

  • Salaries for researchers and technical staff
  • Running expenses
  • Equipment

Full details of allowable costs are set out in our costs guidance.

*These are guide costs and larger amounts may be considered with appropriate justification.


We are also giving applicants to this funding scheme the opportunity to opt-in to a new multi-journal pilot project on Registered Reports.

How to apply to this scheme

Application process 

Applications follow a two-step process:

  1. Expression of interest (EOI): submit an expression of interest form to the CRUK office. We will check that your proposal is within remit and open a full application form for you. Please complete and send us your EOI form ideally at least 1 month and no later than 2 weeks before a submission deadline to help us best assist you.

  2. Full application:

  • Submit your full application through our FlexiGrant system
  • Your application will be sent to the designated members of our Expert Review Panels for comments
  • You will be given the opportunity to respond to the comments provided
  • Our Expert Review Panel (ERP) will consider your application, the comments, and your response to the comments, and you may be invited to present to the ERP before they make a recommendation to the Committee
  • The Clinical Research Committee will make a final decision on funding



Full Application Deadline       Committee Review          
29 November 2023 May 2024
4 June 2024 November 2024




Before you begin your application


Extension applications

Funded extension applications are not accepted. However, under exceptional circumstances, requests for no-cost extensions are considered. Please contact the Clinical Research Funding team to discuss the need for an extension and for access to a no-cost extension form.

Amendment applications

Funded amendment applications are not accepted. However, under exceptional circumstances, requests for no-cost amendments are considered. Amendments must be reviewed by the Committee where there is a significant change to the study design, sample size or study drug. Please use the following process:

  1. Contact the Clinical Research Funding team to discuss the need for an amendment and for access to an amendment application form.

  2. Read the amendment application guidelines (PDF) before starting your application, even if you have applied for funding with us before.

  3. Submit the amendment application to the advertised deadline for that funding round.

  4. Review of amendment application at a Committee meeting.

The deadlines for submission of the no-cost amendment application are:

Amendment Application Deadline       Committee Review          
4 April 2024 May 2024
TBC November 2024





The Clinical Research Committee and its Expert Review Panels will judge your proposal based on the following criteria:

  • Clinical and scientific importance of the research question
  • Alignment with our Research Strategy and Clinical Research Statement of Intent
  • Expected impact on clinical practice
  • Strength of study design, including statistical design and rationale
  • Adequacy of background information and supporting evidence
  • Expertise of the study team
  • Likelihood of successful study delivery
  • Appropriate patient involvement
  • Appropriate justification of costs

The 5 year rolling success rate  (financial year 2017-2022) from application to funding for this scheme is 14%.

Applications are assessed first by an Expert Review Panel, then final funding recommendations are made by the Clinical Research Committee (CRC).

Cancer Research UK contact details

Before you can begin your application you must complete an Expression of Interest and contact your Research Grants Manager to discuss your proposal and any questions you may have.

For applications from London (except for The ICR), Oxford, Birmingham, Southampton and The South of England

Benjamin Angus

Research Grants Manager


For applications from The ICR, Cambridge, The North of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

Alex Fraser

Research Grants Manager

More opportunities for clinical researchers

Clinical Research

We support a broad portfolio of clinical research through grant funding, initiatives and investments in infrastructure, and we have a variety of funding schemes and other opportunities to support your research.

We are also committed to ensuring that clinical academics have the support they need to develop a career in cancer research, and we have a range of opportunities for researchers at all career levels.

Disability and accessibility support

We offer additional support for grant applicants and grant holders who are disabled or have a long-term health condition. 

Environmental sustainability in research

Researchers applying to our funding schemes from 2026 will be required to demonstrate the environmental sustainability of their laboratories by obtaining green lab certification.

Professor of biochemistry - Gerard Evan

Gerard is an established independent researcher in basic and translational research who is funded by our Discovery Research Committee.

Read more

Research events

Our Strategy and Research Funding teams attend and exhibit at conferences, meetings and workshops throughout the year.

PPI Toolkit

Our Patient and Public Involvement Toolkit for researchers is your resource for planning and carrying out involvement activities.