Flexi-Grant at CRUK

We're changing our grant management system - there will be some changes to the way you apply for funding and manage your active grants from now until December 2020.

An overview of our grants management system upgrade

We recently undertook a programme of work to upgrade our grants management system and improve our associated processes. We will soon enter into a migration period where we move from the Easygrants (eGMS) platform to our new grants management system, Flexi-Grant. We will be using Flexi-Grant to receive and process applications and awards. Flexi-Grant will also be used for managing your grant online.

What the migration period means for Grant Holders and Host Institutions

In order to facilitate a smooth and accurate data migration to Flexi-Grant, we will be limiting access of certain tasks and functionality within eGMS. Host Institutions and Grant Holders will have until 30 September 2020 to complete the following tasks:

  • Submit financial reconciliations: Any reconcilations submitted before 30th September will be processed as usual
  • Accepting, activating or accepting a transfer of an award
  • Reactiviting an award
  • Making changes to contact details

After 30 September 2020, these tasks will no longer be able to be completed within eGMS as we will be preparing for the migration to start. From December 2020, you will again be able to complete these tasks in the new grants management system, Flexi-Grant.

During the migration period, the payment process for active awards will continue as normal and Host Institutions will continue to recieve payments and remittance advice.

Access to Flexi-Grant prior to December 2020

During the migration period, you will be able to log-in to and only complete specific activities within Flexi-Grant:

  • Apply for Population and Prevention Programme outlines
  • Apply for Clinical Trial and Experimental Medicine Award outlines
  • Request changes to an active grant

Using Flexi-Grant from December 2020

From December 2020, Flexi-Grant will be live, and will be used for all future applications and ongoing management of your awards. Any tasks paused as a result of the migration period will again be available for completion.

We will notify the research community once Flexi-Grant is live and all functionality is available. 

Frequently Asked Questions

I haven't yet accepted or activated my award, what should I do during the migration period?

If you wish to activate your award during the migration period, please email grants.helpline@cancer.org.uk and we will note that you wish to accept and/or activate your award (as applicable) from the relevant date. You will not be able to see this in our system until December 2020, but the activation date will be noted appropriately.

My grant is currently suspended, what should I do if I want to reactivate it during the migration period?

If you wish to reactivate your award during the migration period, please email grants.helpline@cancer.org.uk and we will note that your award has been reactivated from the relevant date. Please note, you will not be able to see this in our system until December 2020, but the reactivation will be noted and we will back date the reactivation if necessary.

How do I request a change to my award during the migration period?

Once the migration period starts, you will be able to request changes to your grants by completing a Change Request form in Flexi-Grant. You will be able to request changes for the following:

  • No-cost extensions
  • Change of Host Institution
  • Change of Lead Applicant

For any changes not covered in the Change Request form, please email grants.helpline@cancer.org.uk

I have an application or milestone report due for review at an upcoming Funding Committee, will this be impacted by the migration to Flexi-Grant?

No, if you have an application due for review at an upcoming Funding Committee, your Research Grants Manager will inform you about the process. Your application will be migrated to Flexi-Grant and from December 2020 you will be able to view it there. We expect to complete all post-committee activities (including feedback, issuing of grant award letters, etc) in Flexi-Grant.

Additional questions

If you have any further questions or enquires about our grants management system upgrade, please contact GMSinfo@cancer.org.uk

Information correct as of 14 August 2020