
Big Ben

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Cancer Research UK is uniquely placed to inform political debate. We’re the largest independent funder of cancer research in the world, supporting research into over 200 types of cancer. In 2021/22, we spent £443 million on research. Research is at the heart of our plan to reach our ambition of 3 in 4 people surviving cancer by 2034.

We have committed to investing, at least, £1.5 billion on research over the next 5 years. We fund a thriving network of research at 90 laboratories and institutions in more than 40 towns and cities across the UK supporting the work of over 4,000 scientists, doctors and nurses. Our research has transformed outcomes for cancer patients through the development of more than 50 cancer drugs which are being used to treat 3 in 4 people who receive cancer drugs on the NHS.

With studies showing that an individual’s lifetime risk of cancer is increasing and now one in two people will be diagnosed with cancer, we need political action to beat cancer sooner.

We campaign on issues across the patient pathway, from prevention to early diagnosis to the treatment of cancer.

We believe that beating cancer sooner should be a key focus for politicians. We are seeking political support from all parties in the UK Government on our key policy calls:

  • Early Diagnosis: Diagnosing cancer at the earliest stages is crucial to giving patients the best chance of survival. However, early diagnosis rates have been stubbornly stable for a number of years. We want to see transformative action taken to accelerate progress and diagnose more cancers early – this includes optimising screening programmes and continued investment to increase capacity in diagnostic services.
  • Cancer workforce: Chronic shortages across the cancer workforce are the major barrier to meeting cancer waiting times targets and improving outcomes for patients. We need to see more action taken to retain existing NHS staff and ensure that we are recruiting and training enough staff in the specialties key for the diagnosis, treatment and care of cancer patients to meet patient need both today and in the future.
  • Prevention: 4 in 10 cancers are preventable, and smoking remains the single biggest cause of preventable cancer in the UK. Around 6.6m people in the UK still smoke, and we want the UK Government to help people quit and make sure young people don’t start in the first place. Visit the campaign page to find out more about our calls.
  • Research: Medical research, such as that undertaken by charities like Cancer Research UK, is a key part of the UK’s research and development ecosystem and is a fundamental element of the UK’s ambition to become a science and technology superpower. Government must ensure right incentives and support exist to foster a diverse and collaborative life sciences ecosystem.

The Public Affairs team takes every opportunity to meet ministers, parliamentarians and civil servants to speak to them about our views on important cancer and research issues.

Our policy experts, researchers and clinicians provide expert evidence to parliamentary committees, All Party Parliamentary Groups and public inquiries. They also help us frame responses to key government departments and other relevant public consultations.

Our Public Affairs team arranges a variety of events throughout the year including:

These events enable us to share with politicians their latest local cancer statistics, highlight our policy calls, demonstrate the local and national impact of our pioneering research, show how we work in partnership, and allow politicians to find out more about how we can help with their work at Westminster.

There are a number of ways Parliamentarians can support us in Westminster and the constituency. For example:

  • Using local cancer statistics when speaking to CCGs and local authorities
  • Displaying our health information leaflets in constituency surgeries or constituency offices
  • Meeting with the team to discuss our policy priorities
  • Attending our events in Westminster to show your support
  • Speaking out at debates on important cancer and research issues in Parliament
  • Reading our blog for information on our work and cancer stories in the news
  • Following us on twitter

We’re keen to work with Parliamentarians and provide them with the tools needed to keep cancer on the agenda.

We can help with: