Our policy on the charity sector

Volunteer for Cancer Research UK

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Cancer Research UK relies on the generosity of the public to fund our life-saving research. It’s crucial that Government policies enable the charity sector to thrive.

We work to influence Government policy across a large number of areas including:

  • Monitoring reforms to the regulation of charities; ensuring these are effective, promote best practice in the sector and enable charities to operate in an efficient, impactful way for supporters.
  • Promoting Legacy and Payroll Giving so that more people can give directly through their payroll and the public are encouraged to remember a charity in their will.
  • Reforming and promoting Gift Aid to ensure this important scheme continues to benefit charities in an increasingly digital age.
  • Ensuring new legislation and Government policies, for example tax reform or lobbying rules, do not have unintended negative consequences for charities.

Related documents

Cancer Research UK submission to Law Family Commission on Civil Society May 2021

Cancer Research UK submission to Danny Kruger’s review of civil society July 2020

Cancer Research UK submission to DCMS Committee inquiry on COVID-19

Response to the Fundraising Regulator’s consultation on changes to the Fundraising Code V2.0 – November 2018

Response to NCVO's consultation on Draft Code of Ethics (September 2018)

Response to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’s consultation on changes to society lottery reform (September 2018)

Response to Charity Tax Commission (July 2018)

Response to the Civil Society Strategy (May 2018)

Response to the Fundraising Regulator’s consultation on proposed changes to the Code of Practice relating to GDPR – December 2017

Response to the Gambling Commission’s consultation on changes to society lotteries – September 2017

Response to the Fundraising Regulator’s consultation on changes to the Code of Fundraising Practice – April 2017

Response to Northern Ireland’s Committee for Finance inquiry on charity shop rates (February 2017)

Response to the National Assembly of Wales’ Standards of Conduct Committee inquiry into lobbying – January 2017

Response to the Charity Commission consultation on reporting serious incidents – January 2017

Response to the Fundraising Regulator consultation on the Fundraising Preference Service (September 2016)

Sustainability of the charity sector and the challenges of charity governance - our response to the House of Lords Select Committee on Charities’ call for evidence (August 2016)

Response to the Fundraising Regulator’s proposals for a registration and levy system (July 2016)

Supporting a UK-wide approach to fundraising regulation - our response to the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisation’s proposed options for fundraising regulation in Scotland (March 2016)

Fundraising Preference Service – commenting on proposals for a new service giving the public greater control over the fundraising communications they receive (March 2016)

Gift Aid and digital giving – commenting on the Government’s proposals to reform and promote GiftAid (September 2013)

Business Rates in Wales Arguing against the Welsh Assembly Government’s plans to reduce Business Rate relief for charities in Wales (June 2013)

Payroll Giving – commenting on the Government’s welcome plans to reform and promote Payroll Giving (April 2013)

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