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Carla Makes Sheet Pan Pizza

Join Carla Music in the Bon Appétit Test Kitchen as she makes a grandma-style sheet pan pizza. If you prefer a spicy pie, use twice as much hot soppressata and none of the sweet type. Check out the dough recipe here: Check out the soppressata pizza recipe here:

Released on 06/29/2019


I renamed one of my cats yesterday.

What's it's new name? Well he has a new last name.

It's like when you become royalty and you take on

the house of whatever? Yes.

But so King Jeffrey is now King Jeffrey Horchata.

[upbeat pop music]

I'm going to make grandma style pizza dough

so that we can make a grandma pie

with soppressata and chilies on it.

So a grandma pie is kind of like a Neapolitan

but it's not a Neapolitan but you do make it

in a big rectangular, rimmed baking sheet.

It's got a really crispy, olive oily,

like focaccia crust and then all the toppings on top.

I highly recommend this for a party.

This dough is super easy.

Time and temperature do all the work.

This is dry active yeast.

It's gonna go right into the bowl of my stand mixer

along with this amount of warm water.

I mean it's clearly marked on the measuring cup

as one and three quarters.

I just wanted to add a little like

mystery and intrigue to it. [mysterious music]

So you want this water to be very warm but not hot.

You know, not enough to take a bath in

but not tepid either.

And then before we can do anything else?

You have to dissolve the yeast into the water

so I'm just gonna give it a stir.

If after 10 minutes there are no bubbles

and this is not foamy?

That probably means your yeast is dead

so you might need to run down to the corner

and get another package of yeast.

Or it means that your water was too hot.

It already looks a little foamy

so I'm feeling very good about my yeast

and that's just gonna sit for 10 minutes.

Here's a great thing to do while you're waiting

for your yeast to get foamy,

make the raw tomato sauce.

It's a 28 ounce can of whole peeled tomatoes.

We're really big into the Bianco Napoli tomatoes.

Andy tried like 18 different brands, right?

And then he got a whole in his stomach

because it was so acidic,

oh my god. [tragic music]

But a whole peeled San Marzano or San Marzano style tomato

is what you want here.

Don't get mad but there are two anchovy fillets.

If you don't care for anchovy fillets, guess what?

Leave 'em out.

But they do add a little salty something

that you might miss.

Two garlic cloves.

Extra virgin olive oil and a quarter cup

of fresh basil leaves.

Looks really pretty in there. [cracking pepper]

Looks like pizza pie, already.

The reason the recipe says to pulse

is that if you just straight up process

you're gonna whip a lot of air

into the tomato and it makes it like

all foamy and light.

You just don't want that.

You're just pulsing to combine.

[pulsing food processor]

I'm a big fan of the long pulse.

Tastes good already.

No really, if you start with a good canned tomato

this should already taste good.

Sauce is done, uncooked.

It'll cook in the oven.

Okay, so it's been 10 minutes.

I've got some bubbles on the top of my yeast.

I'm feeling confident about that whole situation.

I am going to add two tablespoons

of extra virgin olive oil

and some salt and just get this started.

Gonna add all-purpose flour.

So as soon as it looks like this flour

has been incorporated into the wet ingredients,

I'll go ahead and add the other half

and then continue mixing in the stand mixer.

It's gonna be a sticky dough but it's going to be elastic

and it's gonna smooth out a lot.

If you wanted to do this all by hand, you could.

Just a little bit more effort on your part

and instead of it taking maybe three to five minutes in here

you're gonna be looking at like eight to 10 minutes

of kneading on the surface.

It's been about five or six minutes.

I increased the speed so we're at like a true medium.

The things that I'm looking for to tell that we're close

to being done is it looks really elastic.

It looks still a little bit sticky, it's not dry.

So over here I have a large bowl

that I just coated with oil.

Very stretchy.

From one bowl to another, a dough's story told.

So you don't need to knead it.

You don't need to put oil on top of it.

You do need to cover the bowl.

This is now gonna go into the fridge for 24 hours.

24 hours later, this is what your dough is gonna look like.

Why pretend?

We did this yesterday, obviously.

We were planning.

Good amount of oil onto the rimmed baking sheet

this is ultimately gonna up being the baking sheet

that we make the whole pizza on

and this oil is going to be a really important part

of the cooking medium.

One thing that we all really love about grandma pies

around here is that you get this like very kind of

crunchy, crackly bottom crust

and having this amount of olive oil on the sheet tray

is a big part of that.

Look at what's happening while we were talking?

A giant buble.

Oh my gosh. [laughing]

Easy, peasy, not so sticky anymore.

24 hours, it's very cold.

It's a little too cold to stretch

so the next step is gonna be getting the dough

out to all the corners and the walls of the baking sheet

and if I try to do that while it's freezing cold

we're just gonna be in a fight

and I don't wanna be in a fight with my dough.

I wanna be in like a very happy,

mutually beneficial relationship.

Okay, so this is a dough that hung out for 10 minutes.

Time to stretch, and this should be like pretty fun.

If at any point the dough does start to snap back?

Just let it hang out for a few minutes

to relax the gluten and then stretch again.

But I really do want it in all of the corners.

I'm very pleased with what's happening on the sides.

I am less pleased about what's happening in my corners.

Gonna just calmly stand here.

It's like a time out for the dough, you know?

Just need to take a time out.

We're having a corner conversation.

It's telepathic.

Dough, like you are going to have to go to the corner.

You do know that, right?

And the dough is like, I do, but I just want to be forced.

I'm like, I get that, you just want to do it on your own.

Dough's like, yeah, I do.

Oh yeah.

Very pleased with that maneuver.

Look, we did it guys. [soft jazzy piano music]


Oh now I just wan to play around.

Okay, so I'm gonna cover the whole kit and caboodle.

And then this is gonna sit at like warm room temperature

until it's slightly puffed again.

So that should take about 30 to 40 minutes.

I'm gonna put it near the stove

but not on top of the stove.

All right, let's check on the dough

that's been having it's second rise.

That's like when you take a nap on the weekend?

And then you get up and it's your second rise.

That's how it feels for this dough.

The dough itself just feels like incredibly soft now.

Really relaxed.

Now when it comes to toppings, whatever you like is great.

We developed a bunch of different options

when we came up with the recipe for this pie.

Really just do what you like.

Don't put pineapple on it, that is horrible.

Only a monster would do that.

So the first thing that goes down is the cheese.

Do use fresh mozzarella cheese.

A low moisture mozzarella's just gonna get

like a little bit rubbery and a little bit stretchy

so look for a fresh mozzarella, and this is 12 ounces.

And that's gonna go, pretty much,

you know leaving part of the edge of the dough

to be a plain crust, I'm going all the way,

wall to wall.

We need about a cup of sauce

and this I don't want everywhere.

I'm just gonna sort of dot it around.

The sauce will spread out, too.

And so we went for sort of a soppressata, chili situation

so I've got two ounces each of hot and sweet soppressata.

You could do like some crumbled, half cooked sausages.

Onions would be terrific.

Don't do bell peppers, they're disgusting.

All right so that's that.

Seems like a lot, I'm just gonna go for it.

Love salami.

And then,

little chile action.

That looks good.

Pecorino or Parm would be a good sprinkle.

We happen to have Parm.

And you could save some to put on after if you want to.

This smells great.

And then even though it seems like there's a lot

of olive oil, we gotta olive oil up our toppings.

Just a little bit.

Soppresata chile pie, goin' in.

Good pizza vibes, think good pizza thoughts.


Oh my god, it looks amazing.


That's my least favorite thing that I do in videos.

I say, Wow.

While it was in the oven I did a little reading

on the grandma pie and it turns out

it's from Long Island,

strong island.

So great when there's another regional treasure

that you didn't even know about.

Okay, where are my pizza people at?

I'm right here. Oh my god.

Geez, Louise, been waiting hours for this thing.

So what so we have here?

We have a classic grandma pie.

Going straight in.

Oh, wow, it's so crunchy. Crunchy.

It's almost illegal. [laughing]

Yeah, that's perfect. Oh yeah, I'm very pleased

with this. I'm very pleased, too.

Situation. For you.

Oh, thank you.

So also, it is a origin story,

strong island.

I'm sorry? [laughing]

See what happened with the olive oil?

And you get that really nice amount of color

and the crisping and the crunching?

Its pretty good right?

Oh, I feel like I don't have feeling in my mouth.


Okay, I'm just gonna.

Just gonna wait. That is delicious.

Oh my god. Delicious.

So delicious. Why am I not making this

more often? Delicious Carla.

All right, call your grandmas.

Um, I just want to say shout out to all the grandmas

on Long Island who made this video possible.

We're really, very thankful to you and your pie.

I'm actually going to a party later

and I'm tempted to like bring that half a pie with me.

Do you have a plus one? Plus pizza.


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