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6 Ways To Make Scrambled Eggs: Tested & Explained

Chef Harold Villarosa tests 6 different ways to make scrambled eggs, breaking down all of the variables in play when preparing this seemingly straightforward breakfast staple. Does adding milk make for creamier scrambled eggs or just diluted ones? Should you add salt to the uncooked eggs or only once they're in the pan? Unkle Harold tries each method out, explaining each step along the way to choosing his all-around favorite.

Released on 11/04/2021


If you asked 10,000 different chefs

how to scramble an eggs,

they'll give you 10,000 different answers.

Today, we're gonna test a bunch of ways out

and we're gonna figure out the best one.

You might like it runny, you might like it overcooked,

but for me, I like a medium curdles, fluffy,

same color the whole way through

but also seasoned the right way.

What we're not looking for for our scrambled eggs

is dryness, we're also not looking for wetness

or under cooked, and we're also not looking

for burn marks on the eggs.

First one we're gonna test is my main man, Gordon Ramsey.

We're gonna do it his way, which is crazy, all right?

We're gonna enjoy this.

This is very much a European way of cooking eggs,

using temperature as the main base for its cooking process.

So he stirs it in cold, then pulls it off

when it starts heating up.

Pulls it back on, pulls it off, pulls it back on.

Does this for about three minutes,

cooking it super hard, super fast,

and kinda whipping it at the same time.

And right before the eggs are cooked,

he adds a dollop of creme fraiche and chives.

Then he calls it a day.

We'll see how it goes.

We're gonna go ahead and give it a nice stir real quick.

Gordon Ramsey likes to season at the end,

so we're not gonna season the eggs right now.

So we're gonna go ahead and start some melted butter.

We're gonna put in the eggs real quick.

And what we're gonna do is we're gonna keep stirring,

making sure there's small curdles,

always wiping and stirring.

Then you wanna take it off the heat,

just keep stirring and put it back on the heat.

So what you're doing here really is giving it really tight,

small curdles, but also controlling

the way the eggs react to the temperature.

And you have all the control.

This has been a Gordon Ramsey practice for over 20 years.

So many YouTube videos and I hate it, every time.

I hate it.

I don't wanna be doing this while I'm making breakfast

for my significant other.

I don't wanna be sweating.

So it looks like we're almost there.

As you can see, there's nice, small curdles.

I'm gonna go ahead and turn this off

and let the residual heat bring it together.

And then now we're gonna add a little dollop

of creme fraiche.

It's gonna cool it down and stop the cooking process,

but also give it a nice creamy texture.

And then also we're gonna use Maldon salt,

a little bit of cracked black pepper, some chives.

And then we mix it. Still kinda wet.

And I'm gonna go straight to the plate now.

And boom, there you go.

Gordon Ramsey's scrambled eggs.

It's classic, man.

These are the type of eggs that you get

when you go to a nice bistro in France.

It has a nice creaminess to it, it's seasoned pretty well,

and the chives really just give it an onion flavor

that you're looking for.

This type of egg is not really for me.

It's still a little under, small curdles,

I don't really like small curdles.

I like it to be a little bit more fluffier,

but Gordon Ramsey's been scrambling eggs

for 35 years or some, so he should know that, you know,

these things make him money.

[harp glissandos]

This next one is basically scrambled eggs

with a thickening agent to it.

This is a new way for me, I've never done this before,

so we'll see how it goes.

I'm gonna do a couple of tablespoons of cornstarch here.

And then we're gonna go ahead

and add a little bit of water.

This is trying to accomplish an egg

that's kind of fluffy and creamy at the same time.

We're gonna add some butter.

Add our cracked eggs on top of that.

It's coming together pretty nicely.

Season ahead of time.

We're gonna be adding a little bit of water to a pan.

You're gonna let this evaporate

'cause if you don't have the temperature high enough,

it's gonna be like a clumpy mess.

And it said to add butter.

All right. It's really, really creamy.

And you didn't put any milk in it.

Look at how creamy it is!

This is a first, mmm.

It's a nice lookin' egg.

Holy [beep], that's [beep] good.

This is a great method.

It's a lot of work before going into the pan,

but I wouldn't do this at home, you know what I'm saying?

Like this is not a home thing.

For a restaurant, yeah.

How much money am I saving by not putting milk in my eggs?

You know what I mean?

That's the first thing that popped into my head,

you know what I mean?

Look at that!

It's perfect. It's [beep] perfect.

[harp glissandos]

All right, next, we're gonna do

a poached egg scramble situation

from a great chef named Daniel Patterson.

So the whole poached egg experience

would be a very soft egg white encapsulating a runny yolk.

And this method, I think, is really trying to capture

that kind of feel, kind of still a bit of runny,

still a little bit wet, but fluffy at the same time.

And this, from what I've read,

is because he wanted to have a healthier version

of scrambled eggs which doesn't have to have butter.

We'll see. We'll see how that goes.

All right, so what happens is,

first we're gonna go ahead and crack our eggs

into this sieve.

Could have been a better way to do this,

but that's what it said in the recipe.

And then I'm gonna go ahead and salt the water.

Give this water a little twirly-twirl.

It's just like how you poach eggs.

I'm gonna go dumping the eggs in.

Oh, wow, look at that.

Cover the pot and wait 20 seconds.

Oh wow. [laughs]

Oh this [beep] looks too watery.

Water eggs? I don't know.

[beep] I don't know.

The texture is nice, but when you bite into it,

there's these water capsulated things in there,

like salted water gets in your mouth.

If you don't season the eggs and you only season the water,

it's not really gonna permeate like that, you know?

So it's bland. It's bland as [beep].

It is healthier, though, I'll tell you that right now.

There's no butter on this, no flavor, there's no love.

So it is healthier.

[harp glissandos]

All right, next, we're gonna go right into one

of my favorite chefs, Alton Brown.

I'm gonna try his tried and true method,

the high heat to low heat situation.

I'm gonna do three eggs.

I'm gonna go ahead and season it.

I already know kind of the level of seasoning I like

from my eggs and then, if I need to season more,

I just add it at the end, you know what I mean?

And then we're gonna have three tablespoons of milk,

all right, just to help give it a nice fluffiness

and give it a little fat.

Get our butter melted here.

You know, we're using Teflon pans

and those are not gonna stick,

but our palette has already been kinda tied

into that kinda taste.

We're gonna go high heat and continue to mix this.

You start and kind of weave it through the pan

instead of whisking it kinda hard.

Then you create these middle-style curds.

And then I'm gonna turn it down now,

let the residual heat from the pan continue

to cook these eggs, okay?

You let it rest for like one minute before you get into it.

Yeah, it checks off all the stuff for me, you know?

Medium curdles, fluffiness, seasoned pretty well.

There's a little bit of fat from the milk itself,

there's a little bit of fat from the butter.

You can control how you want it to be cooked.

You can't get scrambled eggs

any better than this right here.

[harp glissandos]

Next is low and slow.

A bunch of guys have probably done this.

We're gonna try three ways to go ahead

and settle the debate between salting before

or salting after or adding milk to our scrambled eggs.

Low and slow is pretty much the way you learn

how to scramble eggs, cooking eggs slowly

and taking your time to make the eggs.

When the egg starts kind of creating this kind of film

on the outside, we just keep folding it into the middle.

Low and slow really gives it that fluffiness,

but also is giving you time to really work the egg itself.

The con is it takes a long time to cook the eggs.

That's the only downside. It's low and slow.

No milk, salt ahead.

That's nice.

It's fluffy, seasoned well.

The best part about salting it before is very, you know,

very much incorporating it evenly throughout the eggs.

Season before and then boom, boom, right to the plate.

So no milk, salt after.

Salting after really doesn't get incorporated

into the seasoning.

That's why I never really salt after.

And milk, salt ahead.

Yeah, it's the best one.

Super fluffy, it's great season, the color is great.

From these three experiments doing it low and slow,

seasoning ahead, adding a little bit more fat

with milk in it.

I mean, you can't go wrong with this, man.

This is a, this is a home run, right here.

[harp glissandos]

The last one we have is deli style.

This is the way we do it in New York City.

If you get a bacon, egg and cheese

with ketchup and hot sauce, you already know.

It's cracking the eggs directly into a pan,

just scrambling it on the pan,

and what you get is an egg yolk with egg white

kind of mixed in together.

Some people say not to crack into the pan,

but, you know, [beep] 'em.

If you wanna do it this way, do it man.

It's just have fun.

As long as it tastes good,

I think you're gonna be all right.

Once you crack it in there and it starts cooking,

you wanna start mixing it up, all right,

'cause you wanna be able to control the heat there, too.

I kinda like it this way, sometimes,

when I'm kind of feeling for that egg white kind of flavor.

With this, you're never gonna get

the perfectly yellow scrambled eggs that you're looking for,

but, you know, you get it scrambled right.

That's great. This tastes good.

With this way, you are gonna have some kind

of striations from the egg whites.

It's gonna be folded in there,

so it's not really a pure scrambled egg.

But it stayed creamy because of the egg white

being whipped into it.

And, you know, this way is the way I used to do it

when I was kind of just rushing out the house,

just crack the eggs right into the pan, scramble it,

and then that's it, I got scrambled eggs.

If I'm doing a top three from all these methods,

my number three would be the starch method.

It keeps the eggs together. It also keeps it super creamy.

The cons, it's just a new way of cooking eggs

and it's a lot of work before going into the pan.

I'll practice more on it and fall in love with it.

I think I'm gonna try to use that more in my arsenal.

My number two would be the low and slow,

salting before and adding milk.

This would be something I would let my nieces

and nephew kinda learn how to make scrambled eggs.

You know, you're taking your time, you really babysit.

You'll have an opportunity to really see

how you want your eggs so you can control

how you want it to be cooked.

You can take it as far or as less as you want to,

but the con is, it takes a long time to cook the eggs,

probably two or three minutes.

And the number one is Alton Brown's high heat

into low temperature method.

It's fluffy, it has creaminess to it,

there's a little bit of fat from the milk itself,

there's a little bit of fat from the butter,

so you can make these eggs fast,

but also keep them nice and fluffy at the same time.

Making scrambled eggs should not take more

than three minutes of your life.

It shouldn't drain you or destroy you, give you stress.

It should give you fun, laughter, easy cooking.

This is the best method right here.

We scrambled so many eggs today, my brain is scrambled.


Oh, [beep].

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