When to Use a Food Processor vs. a Blender

When is it best to use a food processor? A blender? An immersion blender? We've got you covered.
This image may contain Food Pasta Spaghetti Plant and Noodle
Photo by Alex Lau

Of all the appliances we stock our kitchen with, the blender, immersion blender, and the food processor are among the most useful. At first blush, they seem to perform similar tasks—and could even be interchangeable. They all use spinning blades to turn solid food into, well, not-solid food, right? But take a closer look and you'll see that there are tasks each appliance is best for. Here's when to use your blender, immersion blender, and your food processor to get the most out of your food:


The blades of a blender are not super sharp. In fact, they're basically blunt objects. But the sharpness of the blade isn't what turns your boiled carrots and stock into soup. It's the powerful motor that gives blenders their super puréeing powers.

Smoothies and frozen cocktails definitely call for a traditional blender—again, that bossy motor can stand up to tough stuff, like ice. You can certainly use a blender to make puréed soup, but we prefer an immersion blender—more on why in a minute! That said, the deep "bowl" of the blender allows liquid to become agitated without overflowing or exploding through the lid (just don't fill it to the top). When in doubt, follow this rule: If it needs to be silky smooth and uniformly puréed, take advantage of the motor and use a traditional blender.

An immersion blender is great for mixing scrambled eggs.

Photo by Alex Lau

Immersion Blender

Don't want to dirty an extra set of dishes? The immersion blender is your best friend. Don't know what an immersion blender is? That's fine! We'll tell you! It's a handheld tool that's useful if your soup would require puréeing in multiple batches with a traditional blender. With an immersion blender, just submerge the blade in the pot or pan and let ’er rip.

The immersion blender works best with foods that contain a liquid element, like soups, scrambled eggs, or saucy purées. Word to the wise: Never use an immersion blender in a shallow pan. The blades should be completely submerged in the liquid, or else they'll splatter, decorating your kitchen walls with sauce or soup.

Depending on the model, immersion blenders can pack less of a punch than traditional blenders. Their motor can be less powerful, so if you're working with tough veggies or very large pieces of food, you will be better off with a traditional food processor.

Doing a creamy squash soup? A blender is your best friend.

Photo by Alex Lau

Food Processor

The blades of a food processor are ridged and razor-sharp. This is where they shine, because their motor isn't as powerful as a blender's. A food processor is a great multi-use tool. It does so many things efficiently. Food processors make quick work of tough, hard foods—like nuts and seeds. They also do the work of a chef's knife in some instances. We like to use them for quickly pulverizing alliums like onions and garlic.

When don't you want to use a food processor? With any food that is liquid-y or loose. Although you can put soup in a food processor, we don't recommend it. You'd have to blend it in multiple batches, because the bowl of a food processor should not be overfilled. (The agitation will cause the liquid to escape through the lid or seep out the sides.) It's best to use a food processor for dishes that are a little chunky or textured, like pesto. (In fact, we'd argue that pesto is one of the best ways to use your food processor.) This machine really shines when you have many different-textured ingredients, like hard pine nuts, garlic, and tender basil. And if you don't have a food processor, you can always just go at your ingredients with a sharp chef's knife. It won't be quite as effective, but hey, this isn't heart surgery.

Want to get blending?

Vegan Butternut Squash Soup recipe
If you've always thought you needed hours to make a luxuriously silky puréed vegetable soup, well, this recipe is here to say you don't! 
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