This Is the Only Canned Pumpkin You Should Ever Buy

Yep, it's even better than homemade pumpkin purée.
Pumpkin pie with slices on plates topped with whipped cream.
Alex Lau

Thanksgiving is around the corner, and you've got pumpkin pie on the mind. Maybe you're thinking to yourself, "Is there really such a thing as good canned pumpkin? Is the best canned pumpkin better than a lovingly-crafted homemade pumpkin purée?" Let's real talk for a second.

Listen. You've got a shopping list the size of the Constitution. You've got ten of the most hard-to-please people you know coming over for the biggest meal of the year. Even if your stress level isn't already sky-high, do you really want to track down a sugar pumpkin, cut it open, scoop it out, roast it, purée it, roast it again, strain it...and still risk being left with watery, stringy, colorless slop? Because—do not kid yourself—that is what it takes to make pumpkin pie filling from a fresh pumpkin.

Now, what would you say if we told you that you could find a product that's just as good—nay, better!—sealed into a ready-to-buy can? Carry on, you say? We're talking about Libby's 100% pure organic pumpkin, the Bon Appétit Test Kitchen's go-to for all manner of pumpkin desserts for as long as we can remember. It's got the lowest water content of any canned pumpkin product around, which means it has the most concentrated flavor. It's perfectly apportioned for a 9" pie, meaning you won't have to waste a single drop. Oh, and it'll save you valuable time and a whole lot of grief.

Surprise: That pumpkin is not just full of smooth, rich, ready-to-use purée.

Getty/Science Photo Library

Sure, there's something romantic about the idea of making something fully from scratch. But romance has got nothing on a perfectly smooth, luscious, and stress-free slice of pie. And if anyone tries to shame you for going store-bought—we're looking at you, Great Aunt June—just send them our way and we'll tell them what's what. Pie is already a lot of work, so you might as well take the shortcuts where you can get 'em. Plus, this way, you'll have more time to spend with those kooky, argumentative, hard-to-please people you love so much. (Or, you know, more time to assume the fetal position in the laundry room and breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth, until you can smile convincingly again.) You do you.

Got the best canned pumpkin in your shopping cart? Great, now get the best pumpkin pie recipe there is:

Pumpkin Pie on a white plate placed on top of a white fabric .
The sweetened condensed milk makes a decadent custard, while the perfect ratio of spices highlights the pumpkin flavor. 
View Recipe

And go ahead and grab another can, because this pumpkin sheet cake rules: