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Nam prik is a delicious chile-based dip found all over Thailand. Here's our healthyish take on it.
Wait. More fat? And more nuttiness? Yeah, we're interested.

Alex Delany

Typically eaten for breakfast, this creamy, crunchy dish also pairs well with savory dishes come dinnertime.

Aliza Abarbanel

Inspired by the nut-based Caesar dressings at NYC’s Lalito and Scarr’s Pizza, our version starts with roasted cashews.
Eggs and roasted sweet potatoes make this salad a full meal, not a sidekick.
Farm-direct cashews toasted in coconut oil and mixed with fresh herbs and spices? Okay!

Nikhita Mahtani

The Feel Good Food Plan knows that a square of dark chocolate does NOT equal “dessert.”

Zoë Sessums

This chia pudding is delicious on its own—and even better when layered with maple yogurt as a parfait.
Meet the saucy condiment we're swooshing under roast vegetables, tossing with noodles, and more.

Molly Baz

Think of this creamy cashew yogurt as a new, flavorful vessel for your granola or fruit in the morning.
Make this cashew butter once, and you’ll want to use it on roasted vegetables year-round.
When you're trying to make the most of your mornings, keep breakfast quick but filling with this frothy fruit-and-nut-filled smoothie recipe.
This is what happens when you go looking for life’s answers on Google.

Sophie Lucido Johnson

I was suspicious of this vegan cashew situation. Turned out I was wrong.

Alex Delany

Rich, creamy, AND vegan—meet your new all-purpose condiment.
It's 157% better than the jarred stuff, and it's SENSATIONAL.

Alex Beggs

These rich, cashew-sauced noodles are the healthyish version of my favorite takeout dish.

Julia Black

This recipe is inspired by Gado-gado, a colorful and crunchy Indonesian salad, made with a wide array of raw and cooked vegetables (and sometimes noodles). The dressing is usually peanut-based, but we used cashews. Feel free to try another tender nut such as pistachios or pecans instead.
Tonnato is a creamy Italian sauce that combines from-scratch mayo with preserved tuna, lemon juice, and anchovies, and is classically spooned over thinly sliced veal. This one is different. It gets creaminess from cashews instead of eggs, and, along with the dukkah spice mix, will gussy up any tray of roasted vegetables you make.
With crispy chicken thighs, a spicy ranch dressing, and avocado—this thing will keep you full for hours.

Alex Beggs

Double the recipe. Triple the recipe. Quadruple the recipe. Whatever. It doesn’t even matter. However many cashews you make, it will never be enough.
If you don’t want to go all out with a big variety of dried fruits and nuts (they can get expensive), you can limit yourself to two of each. Just be sure to include the salted roasted chickpeas; they’re addictive and provide a little hit of protein in this mix as well.