Just Asking

If All Else Fails, Jennifer Coolidge Has a Promising Career As a Makeup Artist

She's even got the formal training to make it happen.
Image of Jennifer Coolidge in front of backdrop containing woman wearing eyeliner eyeliner pencil row of donuts and...
Getty Images

Welcome to Just Asking, the rapid-fire questionnaire where celebrities tell us everything we never needed to know about their beauty routines. Today’s participant is Jennifer Coolidge, best known for her roles in Legally Blonde and most recently HBO’s White Lotus. But these days, she most enjoys playing the role of makeup artist.

Unlike us commoners, celebrities constantly get to employ glam squads who tend to their hair, nails, and makeup as they sit back. Jennifer Coolidge is one of the few celebrities who would actually rather do it herself — or at least the makeup part. Well before she played a beautician in Legally Blonde, Coolidge studied special effects makeup at the Joe Blasco School in Los Angeles. Her love for glam started even earlier. “I grew up in a little town and there wasn't really much to do except go down to the drug store and buy all the makeup in it,” Coolidge tells Allure.

Decades later, the actor’s affinity for makeup has led her all the way to a brand ambassadorship with E.L.F. Cosmetics. In this off-screen role, Coolidge appears in campaigns for the brand, the most recent being a date night sketch where Coolidge fawns over her Dirty Pillows Lip Kit instead of her dinner date (honestly, same). One of the most exciting parts of this partnership, Coolidge says, has been naming certain products — she donned the kit’s pastel pink lip gloss Swollen. “I like my lips to look extra big,” she explains. “I like the puffy bombshell lips.”

While fondly speaking of her love for makeup and swollen-looking lips, Coolidge excitedly agreed to partake in our rapid-fire beauty questionnaire, Just Asking.

Allure: How would you describe the signature Jennifer Coolidge look?

Coolidge: I used to wear a bucket of makeup on my face when I was younger, but I don't know, all of a sudden I'm really into making it look less. I also can't get enough of lining my lips and putting on lipstick and gloss and all that. I put on as much as I can. And I like to do the pouty thing. Very rarely would I ever wear red lipstick.

Allure: What’s your favorite beauty tip to ignore?

Coolidge: I don't like people telling me you have to do anything in order, because it doesn't really apply to me. I did go to makeup school, and they had these very specific ways of how to do makeup, and I just feel like that doesn't work for me at all, the order of products or whatever.

I like to mix a lot of things. I like to mix oil with makeup and anything that's glowy. I feel like I'm experimenting. It's like a scientist in a lab, and there's not any rules to it. And sometimes I can't believe how good it is with just winging it. It doesn't make it come out better by going with someone's order.

Allure: What’s a product that’s always in your shower?

Coolidge: I love all kinds of girly-girl soaps and shower gels. I want to smell either like a flower, a donut, or a sugar cookie. I don't know, I just like when it smells like a donut factory in my bathroom.

Allure: How long does your entire skin-care routine take from start to finish?

Coolidge: I think I can do it in 15.

Allure: What’s a beauty trend you wish would make a comeback?

Coolidge: The really exaggerated eye with the black liner like Brigitte Bardot but even more exaggerated. That's what I'm into right now, and I hope that comes back.

Allure: What’s the most used item in your makeup bag?

Coolidge: I've been doing the lip thing [E.L.F. Dirty Pillows Lip Kit] and I've been really happy with the way it's turned out. Second thing I’m most obsessed with is actually eyeliner. I'm obsessed with eyeliners because I have hooded eyes, so I'm always figuring out ways to make my eyes look longer. There's just so many possibilities with eyeliner.

Allure: What’s your least favorite part of getting ready?

Coolidge: I think I just don't like when someone tells me I have to get ready. I hate it when it's someone else's idea that I have to get ready.

Allure: What’s your favorite part of getting ready?

Coolidge: It's always the makeup. I was thinking, if I was in prison, I would probably be a makeup artist in prison. There's something very meditative about it. When I'm putting on makeup, it doesn't matter where I am; I completely forget any bad thoughts or anything that gives me stress.