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The purpose of this study was to explore the use of metaphor by independent seniors taking medication for chronic health conditions. Narratives from a larger study using grounded theory were analyzed using constant comparative analysis... more
В статье рассматривается сходство между теорией построения метафор, описанной в трактате Э. Тезауро «Подзорная труба Аристотеля» и визуально реализованной в сюите офортов Дж. Б. Брачелли “Bizzarie di varie figure”. Согласно рассуждениям... more
( to cite : Aksan, Yeşim & Dilek Kantar (2007). When LOVE IS A JOURNEY in English and in Turkish. P. Cap & J. Nijakowska (Eds.) Current Trends in Pragmatics, 93-109. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press. )
Since the mid-1970s in American academia, a series of articles and books in Sinology (comparative literature) appeared with the attention to rhetoric, contending that the Western sense of allegory/metaphor is absent in Chinese poetics and... more
There is one world we live in. Its geographical and spatial boundaries tell us this. We see it on maps, we see it on television, and we see it when we walk out of the door. Children, adults, and people of all races and creeds live in this... more
In accordance with Freud's hypothesis about the nature of primary process thinking we analysed metaphors as possible tools for the integration of unconscious affective und... more
Die Studie untersucht die Bedeutung von Wein und Blut im Johannesevangelium und deren relationales Verhältnis. Sie hinterfragt dabei die bisherigen Forschungspositionen. Neuere Ergebnisse der ritual- und sozialgeschichtlichen Forschung... more
Geoeengineering the climate by reflecting sunlight or extracting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere has attracted increasing attention from natural scientists, social scientists, policy makers and the media. This article examines... more
Published in September, 2020, as part of OUP's Fundamentals of Philosophy Series.
In Interpreting Ancient Egyptian Narratives, Martin Pehal applies structural analysis to four New Kingdom narrative compositions. The study explains the strong configurational character of ancient Egyptian (mythological) thought which has... more
The tale of a meeting between Leonardo and Savonarola in the summer of 1495, later reported by Vasari (1550 and 1568) but confirmed by a memorandum remained in Leonardo's possession (Codex Atlanticus, f. 628 r), which refers explicitly to... more
This paper investigates how large multinational corporations use multimodal meaning-making resources to communicate a trustworthy corporate identity. It combines insights from Forceville’s work on pictorial and multimodal metaphor... more
In order to reach sustainability, a greater capacity to facilitate the implementation of the principles on which sustainability is founded is required. Effective methods of communicating sustainability will be necessary. Although there is... more
The purpose of this research is to examine the pop music metaphors developed by high school students. In this study, the phenomenology model, which is one of the qualitative research methods, has been used. A total of 650 students from a... more
One of a series of digital montages, many of which consist of faux (virtual) book page spreads. Constructed on computer, using public domain components, they can also be printed on paper.
This article explores how dwelling—a mindful unfolding of thinking and being within the cosmos as a whole—can offer a useful lens to look at the deeper layer of mental health service users’ lived experiences, specifically in regards to... more
After the 70¿s, the american-european supremacy in the industrial world has been challenged by the Japan rising economy. It is said that this fact is dose linked to the production methods and work organization dominant in the companies of... more
The paper endeavors to investigate the conceptual metaphor awareness via a psycholinguistic experiment done by Serbian grammar school and EFL students. The analysis is carried to determine the extent to which the students are aware of the... more
The paper aims at clarifying whether and to what extent expertise plays a role in the detection of ambiguity fallacies, such as quaternio terminorum, where a metaphor is the middle term in one of the premises (metaphoric fallacy). We... more
Various accounts of metaphor interpretation propose that it involves constructing an ad hoc concept on the basis of the concept encoded by the metaphor vehicle (i.e. the expression used for conveying the metaphor). This paper discusses... more
The present study investigates the impact of English metaphorical awareness on the vocabulary retention by 60 intermediate EFL learners in Iran. Participants in this study were all English as a Foreign language (EFL) learners placed in... more
The main purpose of the current study is to investigate the perceptions of individuals' living in Turkey during the COVID-19 pandemic through metaphor analysis. The current study employed the descriptive phenomenological design, one of... more
While compounding is one of the major processes of word formation in world languages, it remains one of the most controversial linguistic descriptions. There are various kinds of classifications for compound words, and one of the most... more
The research is aimed at identifying metaphors and building metaphorical models underlying the scientific article on linguistics "The Elements of Language" by E.Sapir on the grounds of cognitive linguistics. It also provides... more
Within the study of linguistics there has been two distinct issues in regards to the problem of language evolution: symbols and grammar. As outlined below: “They work by different principles, are learned and used in different ways, and... more
This article attempts to reinstate the inherent rigor of “image” as a literary term by addressing the theoretical issues related to the image that W. J. T. Mitchell discusses in his encyclopedia entry and his articles on the concept. The... more
By examining the trans-disciplinary neologisms called "terminological junctions" in writings of Arakawa and Gins, one may find adequate conditions for making visible, and perhaps resolving a central paradox in the thinking of Gilles... more
Große Mommsen-Tagung 2019:
„Die Altertumswissenschaften und die Cultural Turns.
Forschungen zur Klassischen Antike im (inter)disziplinären Dialog“
3. bis 5. Mai 2019 an der Freien Universität, Berlin
a presente comunicación constituye una propuesta metodológica y didáctica sobre el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las unidades fraseológicas (UFs) en las segundas lenguas. Las características formales y semánticas de estas... more