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[English abstract]: Abstract In trying to fathom the crux of Rumi’s mystical ghazals, there is the thrill of investigation, the mental challenge of evaluating discordant sources, and the prospect of a better understanding of what Rumi... more
El presente artículo es una ampliación de la primera parte del estudio que el autor está llevando a cabo sobre la vida de Francisco de Aldana, centrada en los años italianos (2017).
Programme from a recital given at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC celebrating the Feast of Candlemas through Charles Tournemire's "L'Orgue Mystique".
No serious study of ancient Roman topography and its monuments is undertaken without consulting the work of Rodolfo Lanciani (1845-1929), the archaeologist and scholar of ancient Rome. His Forma Urbis Romae, a large map published in... more
El álbum reproduce todas las fotografías y los retratos del poeta hechos durante su vida. Además, incluye un disco compacto con las únicas imágenes fílmicas que se conservan del poeta, tomadas durante el II Congreso Internacional de... more
Après avoir retracé brièvement l’histoire de la Casa Buonarroti de Florence, maison familiale devenue une sorte de temple domestique à la gloire de Michel-Ange, et présenté Michelangelo Buonarroti il Giovane (1568-1646), le descendant de... more
En este ensayo, Cesar Vallejo en Madrid en 1931, Carlos Fernández y Valentino Gianuzzi analizan y tratan de reconstruir el periodo comprendido entre el 30 de diciembre de 1930 y el 12 de febrero de 1932, que constituye el lapso de tiempo... more
كتاب تراجم يتناول حوالي 1000 شخصية كويتية من الرجال والنساء في القديم والحاضر ممن قدموا جهوداً في سبيل رفعة شأن الكويت دون قصد إلى مكانة تاريخية أو شهرة زمانية أو دعاية متعمدة. وقد تم سرد البيانات تحت الشخصيات في ترتيبها الهجائي وفقاً... more
As a German historian recently remarked, for Germany Adolf Hitler was the “off-spring,” the outstanding legacy, of World War I, and no one doubts that.1 He himself started his political career in 1919 in the wake of a lost war and the... more
Un'analisi degli studi condotti su Nicolò III d'Este nell'ultimo secolo
The First of the Modern Ottomans blends biography with intellectual history. On the one hand, it is the story of an Ottoman life – the life of the scribe, ambassador, and prolific historian Ahmed Vâsıf (ca. 1735-1806), a man who... more
Most modern historians perpetuate the myth that Giuliano de' Medici (1479-1516), son of Lorenzo the Magnificent, was nothing more than an inconsequential, womanizing hedonist with little inclination or ability for politics. In the first... more
Transitional justice is a major concept in promoting peace and reconciliation between conflicting parties. It is usually associated with formal judicial processes such as criminal justice, rule-of law reform and paying reparations. This... more
Edited collection -- with chapters by Adam Smyth, Barry Windeatt, David Matthew, Molly Murray, Kathleen Lynch, Suzanne Trill, Tessa Whitehouse, Robert Folkenflik, Lynn Festa, John Richetti, David Vincent, Duncan Wu, Richard Hughes Gibson,... more
Writing scientific biographies evokes the problem of representativeness or of integrating the single case into more general questions of scholarly interest. The establishment of a link between micro and macrolevels inspired the present... more
A short biography of Germaine de Foix, Queen of Aragon as the wife of Ferdinand of Aragon.  She served as Vicereine of Valencia for Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.
BA Thesis by Penam Chicorelli on the early life and emergence as a treasure revealer of 20th century master Orgyen Kusum Lingpa from Golog
In 1955, Jean Cocteau commented on the retrospective exhibition of Hosayn Behzad's works at the Musée d'Art Moderne, Paris: "Hosayn Behzad is an enchanter of the East of the storytellers. (...) No doubt, in our country (...) there is only... more
İnsanın kişiliğini genetik özelliklerine ek olarak doğası, tarihi, kültürü özetle topyekûn çevresinin oluşturduğu/biçimlendirdiği varsayılmaktadır. Bu belirleyici/biçimlendirici etmenler sanatçının sanatçı kişiliğini de belirleyerek... more Scrivere una biografia di Dante è una sfida che molti hanno già affrontato. Mentre i documenti d’archivio relativi alla sua vita sono pochi... more
Arthur Posnansky was the illustrious pioneer of Tiwanaku archaeology, remembered as a quixotic, flamboyant, and swashbuckling character. He was a naval officer, a businessman, and a scholar. He dedicated nearly fifty years of his life to... more
Husserl's phenomenology of appearances and the role of variations in the constitution of reality inspire Arendt's examinations of 'story' in The Human Condition. According to her, life is produced as a 'story'. Yet, a life story presents... more
Physicians are used to receiving gifts in exchange for their services. In poor agricultural countries, patients often "pay" for medical care with oranges, avocados, or a bunch of plantains. It is more unusual for patients to give their... more
Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in Skopje, Macedonia, on August 26, 1910. Her family was of Albanian descent. At the age of twelve, she felt strongly the call of God. She knew she had to be a missionary to spread the love of... more
Se trata de un libro que aborda la vida de José María Samper (1828-1888), figura indispensable para comprender la historia de Colombia en el siglo XIX, tras la independencia de España. Samper, cuya prolífica obra escrita ha sido... more
This paper examines the formative years of Hugh Mahon (1857-1931) in America and the influence they had on his public life in Ireland and Australia.
Abstract. In 1801 at the cemetery in Vienna, Austria, the skull of W.A. Mozart was exhumed, and now it has been examined for identification. The osteological findings correspond with the available data of W.A. Mozart. Additional... more