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Questions tagged [isolation]

For questions which refer to a population which is disconnected/cutoff from the rest of the its kind.

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0 answers

What's the minimum amount of people required to create a growing population? [duplicate]

I'd like to know how many people it would take to begin a genetically stable civilization. I don't need/don't care about the infrastructure aspect, only the genetics. Scenario-wise let's assume there ...
Mocascoolai's user avatar
17 votes
6 answers

How many people are needed to staff a "school" like Hogwarts?

What I mean by "a school like Hogwart" is that: students range from age 11 to about 18, with about a thousand students in total most students live here during most of the year it works in ...
Anne Aunyme's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Where are villages usually placed?

Do villages always live next to or near mountains? I live in a country where villages are still around, however the only ones I know off are placed near mountains. My intention is to: Write a village ...
Crimsoir's user avatar
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14 votes
13 answers

Can an entire planet remain isolated and stagnant?

For context, there is a planet that is kept isolated from the larger civilization of star systems it should be connected with—in terms of communication. A base population is already present on the ...
IntoTheVoid's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Minimum staff size for a modern day small town school

The world for my current work in progress is a fiction American small town with about 500 residents and 100 kids, located in geographically isolated location which makes busing to larger nearby towns ...
Henry Taylor's user avatar
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34 votes
10 answers

Can we get rid of all illnesses by a year of Total Extreme Quarantine?

Earth-Year: 2618. Location: Planet Hope, Proxima Centauri. Terraformation status: 97.8% Earth-like. Population: 128.596. The residents of this planet live in a paradise-like environment. The gravity ...
Neinstein's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Can a large village or small town be self-sufficient over a lifetime?

I've been twiddling values in the donjon Medieval Demographics Calculator and The Domesday Book, both based on Medieval Demographics Made Easy by S. John Ross (sorry, links I've found to this document ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Can you survive in a pub cellar for a week? [closed]

This is for research for a kaiju horror story. I'm toying with it being set in an English pub cellar (like that of a Wetherspoons) as the surface is crawling with newly emerged kaiju, the plot ...
Luke Duffy's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Can Earth be isolated from a settled Solar System?

I was considering Kessler syndrome, however this is not a long-enough duration and I'm unaware of a way to prolong it for the course of several millennia. I don't want Earth to be destroyed, just ...
Wax's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How would an Isolationist Country go about opening its borders?

I'm writing a novel in which an isolationist republic has to open its borders following a series of volcanic eruptions in its territory that destroyed most of the crops and coal mines (the republic is ...
D. Daniels's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

How can an American town keep itself secret and isolated?

A town dating back to the late 1880s in northern Wisconsin has a dark secret that must be kept hidden by as few people as possible. How can this town keep itself isolated and off of maps during the ...
Nathan Hopp's user avatar
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5 votes
7 answers

What would cause a world wide pandemic?

I am writing a story about being "alone" on earth, I want it to be caused by a virus but I am unsure about the details of it. I know that the virus: Should kill most of the worlds population leaving ...
Axisnix's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Can a person who gained immunity to a disease become an infectious carrier?

If a person is sent out of their hermetically sealed community and in the process becomes immune to a deadly disease. When the person returns will the immunity make them a carrier and infect/kill all ...
Cherry's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

How to maintain a closed environment for one person for a long period of time

Background: In the early 2020s a magical life-extending "elixir" is created but is in short supply. However, a very reckless individual steals most of the US's supply and drinks a sufficient amount of ...
Lelu's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How would humans survive being on a rock formation in the middle of the ocean? [closed]

You're just walking down the street not expecting anything when you suddenly black out and wake up on a small rock formation seemingly in the middle of the ocean. Looking around you see four other ...
Murinus's user avatar
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