Strategic plan to strengthen health emergency capacities launched


Five-Year Regional Strategic Plan (2019–2023) for the South-East Asia Region builds on and is aligned with the Global Strategic Plan; WHO’s Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance, the Research & Development Blueprint for action to prevent epidemics and the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework. It is also guided by regional approaches, networks and mechanisms for health emergency preparedness and response, such as the Asia Pacific Strategy for Emerging Diseases, – a common strategic framework for the regions of South-East Asia and the Western Pacific.


SriLanka initiated the operational monitoring of the National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS)

e-naps National Action Plan for Health Security

Today, #SriLanka initiated the operational monitoring of the National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS) through the @WHO e-NAPHS platform. This will allow the country to monitor progress on NAPHS priorities in real time @MoH_SriLanka

remap collage

Resource Mapping for Health Security Preparedness (REMAP)

Sri Lanka embarked on a 3-day workshop to map the country's technical and financial resources and forge partnerships to strengthen the implementation of the National Action Plan for Health Security 2024-2028

JEE Meeting speakers

Indonesia concludes its second Joint External Evaluation for IHR Core Capacities

The second JEE lays the foundation for the formulation of Indonesia’s next National Action Plan for Health Security

Inaugural Ceremony of JEE mission, Nepal

Joint External Evaluation (JEE) in Nepal, December 2022

First round of JEE for the International Health Regulation core capacities conducted in Nepal

