Bound Individual Oral Histories are now available through Amazon via a purchase link on each Oral History's page.

The following items are still available for sale direct from the U.S. Naval Institute: 

  • Individual pages: $2.00 per page

  • Oral History program cumulative index by subject (USB Flash Drive, .pdf file only): $65.00

To order the Index or individual pages, please contact:

Emily Hegranes 


Telephone:  410-295-1022 

U.S. Naval Institute oral histories are funded by gift income. Tax-deductible contributions to underwrite a specific history or for general program support are gratefully accepted. Gifts by credit card are accepted at our website, and by charge or check can be sent to: 

U.S. Naval Institute Foundation 
Oral History Program 
291 Wood Road 
Annapolis, Maryland 21402-5034 

Phone: 1-800-233-8764 
Fax: 410-269-7940 