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Happy birthday, Naval Institute!

To celebrate the Naval Institute's 146th birthday, this month's Ship to Shore looks to the future of the Sea Services, with articles examining the use of metameterials, a three-tiered fleet, and the Marine Corps' new focus on China. 

From Proceedings

Win the Race for Invisibility

Infrared, radar, acoustic, and optical stealth are the new frontiers in low-observability, and the winner of the metamaterial competition will have an enormous advantage in the next fight.

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From The Press

Battleships of the Iowa Class

“Besides providing an excellent source of reference data and historical detail, this work is also wonderfully illustrated with highly accurate 3D drawings and an outstanding collection of photographs, many never previously published.” —From the foreword by David Way, curator, Battleship Iowa

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From Naval History

The Gambier Bay’s Final Hours

On 25 October 1944, the escort carrier USS Gambier Bay (CVE-73) was caught by a vastly superior surface force, with no chance to escape the faster enemy, in a desperate struggle off Samar.

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From the Blog

The Lethal and Affordable Three-Tier Fleet

The Navy's current, largely homogeneous, surface combatant fleet is not an affordable force structure for the future. One potential solution to this problem is to go beyond the current high-low framework to a three-tier, high-medium-low fleet. 

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From USNI News

Berger: Marines Focused on China in Developing New Way to Fight in the Pacific

The Marine Corps continues its drive to become a more agile and maritime-focused force that can respond to tensions quickly and buy decision space for military leaders and diplomats.

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From Membership

Readership Survey

Dear Naval Institute readers: We want to hear from you. Please take a few minutes to complete the Naval Institute's 2019 Readership Survey.   


From the Foundation

Sponsored Student Memberships

With school back in session, our Sponsored Student Memberships Program is well under way with 50 units from U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, or NROTC programs signed up. Consider gifting the students of your alma matter with a year of Naval Institute membership to help advance them as future leaders.

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Coming Up Next Month

November will mark the 244th birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps, and Ship to Shore will celebrate America's first-to-fight service.



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