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To the southeast of the village of Argandenes (Pilona), in the place known as La Lladrea, the remains of a funerary aedicula, of square ground plant, with many burials surrounding it have been found. Two archaeological campaigns have... more
Architectural Drawing and Architectural Graphic Expression (EGA) are well defined and known disciplines. But there are forms of architectural expresion (such as photography or diagrams), which are not necessarily "drawings". In the last... more
Martirial Early-Christian basilica built around 400 AD with a funerary use throughout the 5th century. This buiding had three naves and an east-facing semicircular apse. Various mausoleums were annexed to the northern nave.... more
In the laser scanner architectural heritage surveys is obtained, as a by product, the reflectance value of the documented surfaces. This value changes along with the topography of the surface. This fact has led to the proposal of a... more
The application of mass data capture systems in the topographic surveys of the Roman circus of Tarragona improves and facilitates our overall understanding of a building covering 4 hectares, much of which is hidden below the historical... more
Architectural Drawing and Architectural Graphic Expression (EGA) are well defined and known disciplines. But there are forms of architectural expression (such as photography or diagrams), which are not necessarily “drawings”. In the last... more
MANUALES UNIVERSITARIOS 59 Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca y Carlos G. Wagner Ia edición: julio 1999 Ia reimpresión: noviembre 2005 ISBN: 84-7481-822-2 oc ISBN: 84-7481-465-0 Depósito legal: S. 856-1999 Ediciones Universidad de... more
La capitulación de Barcelona de 1705 fue un episodio de gran relevancia en la Guerra de Sucesión. El presente trabajo trata las alternativas, la decisión y los preparativos de la operación aliada, de la defensa de la ciudad condal por el... more
In the treated period coexist in Calahorra two centres of political power: the council of the city and the Cathedral, which did not let be related, influence and face themselves. With a reduced population universe around the thousand... more
en JIMÉNEZ ESTRELLA, Antonio y LOZANO NAVARRO, Julián (eds.) Actas de la XI reunión científica de la Fundación Española de Historia Moderna. Conflictividad y violencia en la Edad Moderna. Vol. II.... more