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Questions tagged [math-mode]

{math-mode} is about typesetting mathematical content, e.g. tweaking the appearance of spacing and symbols in a formula, or producing specific mathematical constructs. For questions about "wrapper" environments like equation or align, consider the tag {equations}.

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0 answers

Math MCQs, arranging the given choices, the space between them, and some other (automatic) formatting

I am a new user of Latex, I only can write equations like in MSE, and never made a document in latex before. I wanted to create MCQs, but MicrosoftWord is not better than Latex for this purpose, where ...
Hussain-Alqatari's user avatar
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2 answers

Create a command with pgf options to import a symbol from a different font

Writing a mathematical document it sometimes happens you need to use some symbols not available in amssymb: to expand this library then I thought to "automate" a standard procedure for ...
Antonio Maria Di Mauro's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Need to create a math symbol

I want to create a math symbol of the following form-- such that I would be able to change the value of i, i.e., it will be an external input to the function defined. Any help is highly appreciated.
Fermion's user avatar
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5 answers

How to display `\hat` when using sans-serif?

I applied sans-serif font both in text and math, but then I got the problem with \hat. How to solve it? Here is a MWE: \documentclass[12pt, letterpaper, twocolumn]{article} \usepackage[scaled]{helvet}...
Brasil's user avatar
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1 answer

Why it's till not bolded in my current file

The code I used in my current file is not work: {\boldmath $\lim_{h\to 0} \frac{r(t_0 +h) - r(t_0)}{h}$} I use the same code in new file then it worked, but it's still not work in my current file. ...
acb's user avatar
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2 answers

How to fix fraction horizontal rule?

Below fraction is my source input. i want to short horizontal rule. Can anyone please advise. I have attached both input and expecting output images: and the tex source code is: \[\frac{\overbrace{A}^...
KGSR's user avatar
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Error with lim math mode

please help me type this. I tried many times but it's still wrong.
acb's user avatar
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1 answer

How to implement "dependent join" symbol in latex?

in pdf <<The Complete Story of Joins (in HyPer)>> introduce a new join type: dependent join, but how to implement this join symbol in latex?
lichuang's user avatar
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How to create a looparrow with tikz-cd?

I'm drawing a commutative diagram in latex and I want one of the maps to signify an immersion, which is denoted by a looparrow in my context, but I can't seem to find how to do it with tikz. I mean ...
NL1992's user avatar
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1 answer

Reduce gap around \cdot and parentheses

This is basically a follow-up on this question: How can I reduce the gap between left and right of \cdot with a macro? The aim is to reduce spacing around \cdot. The accepted answer proposes to define ...
mranvick's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a command to point out everywhere the default line spacing is being changed by math formulas?

I would like to ensure that my default line spacing is not being altered to accommodate math formulas and equations, and instead anything that is so big that it will affect the line spacing is put in ...
pyridoxal_trigeminus's user avatar
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How to have the tilda be closer to the number? [duplicate]

How do you have the tilda be closer to the number, or to eliminate the space between the tilda and the number? Even without a space between the tilda and the 1, it seems this command creates a space ...
ina's user avatar
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2 answers

Math symbols in minted

Greetings to TeXperts out there, I am trying to write some code in a minted environment, but I am struggling with the "greater-or-equal" symbol. "≥" is not displayed at all (...
DBa's user avatar
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Alternative for an exponent's position

Is there an elegant way to adjust the position of an exponent for a particular parameter ? For instance, in this image, we can see that the exponent is too close from the main letter R and the indexes ...
Waxler's user avatar
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How to format multi-letter subscripts in math mode?

I have a document whose main font is a sans serif font (Arial if you must know), but whose math mode uses a serif font. They look quite different. So far, my documents which don't switch looks like ...
Zak's user avatar
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