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Questions tagged [boldmath]

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2 answers

Is there a customizable version of the `\boldmath` command?

The \boldmath command will make all symbols used in math mode bold. I'm curious if there is an analogous command that allows the user to specify which characters to make bold in math mode. This ...
Brian Fitzpatrick's user avatar
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boldmath and eulervm together shrink the equal sign

I just notice that if I use eulervm together with \boldmath, then the equal sign shrinks. Here is a minimal working example: \documentclass{amsart} \usepackage{eulervm} \begin{document} \boldmath \...
underflow's user avatar
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Why it's till not bolded in my current file

The code I used in my current file is not work: {\boldmath $\lim_{h\to 0} \frac{r(t_0 +h) - r(t_0)}{h}$} I use the same code in new file then it worked, but it's still not work in my current file. ...
acb's user avatar
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bold math in minipage environment [duplicate]

I looked at all questions and answers on bold math, but could not find an answer to my question. I have this code, in which the Oplus symbol in the second column comes out bold, as it should. The top ...
district9's user avatar
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Get siunitx output in bold when using Cambria Math font

When trying to get units in bold using the siunitx package \textbf{\unit{\kg,\um, \mJ}}, I get the warning LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `TU/CambriaMath(5)/b/n' undefined LaTeX Font Warning: Some ...
SockPile's user avatar
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Is there a way to keep the "boldness" of text, in mathmode

Is there a way to keep the "boldness" of text, in math mode: eg: \documentclass{standalone} \newcommand{\mathkeepboldness}[1]{\ensuremath{#1}} % this should keep the text formating \begin{...
flobue's user avatar
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Bold math symbols as in text mode. Old Standard TT XeLaTeX fontsetup

I am using XeLaTeX 2023 compiler with an Old Standard TT font for both text and math modes. However, bold font in math mode doesn't work at all. I want to use as the default bold math symbols the ...
Tetiana's user avatar
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Way to make mixed text and math mode bold with a single command

Is there a way to make the following bold by wrapping in a single command? This is a some text with $\psi$ and other math symbols such as $\Delta m$ etc. Or at least a single command to work on $\...
atapaka's user avatar
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3 answers

Matrix equations frequently in LaTeX

I'm writing a paper. Most of the equations are of the form d\mathbf{F} = (d\mathbf{X})\mathbf{AX}^T + ((d\mathbf{X})\mathbf{AX}^T)T Most elemets are Matrices, A , B , C , W but I've to use \mathbf{A} ...
Harry's user avatar
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single cell bold with dcolumn

I am using dcolumn for a tabular, and I would like to have a single cell printed in bold face. I know a similar question has been posed here, and here, and the proposed solution is mentioned in the ...
cesco's user avatar
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bold symbols in eulervm

I use \usepackage{mathpazo,lineno} for my documents. However, when I need use \mathbold the equal sign and the strict inequality signs (but not $\le$ or $\ge$) become smaller, and the spacing for $\...
underflow's user avatar
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2 votes
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Unbold maths in thmbox title?

So I've been trying to use thmbox to add some interest to my undergrad report, but I didn't like the default style and so I'm trying to adjust it. I've got it mostly how I want, except any maths in ...
spooleey's user avatar
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Why is the STIX2 bold math font not being used here?

\documentclass{article} \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \setmainfont{Noto Serif} \usepackage{unicode-math} \setmathfont{STIX Two Math} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} $\mathbf{v}$ \end{document} ...
chandra's user avatar
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bold in math mode

I am looking to obtain a representation for the vector in this way I have only managed to get these two ways. Another option would be to use \varoverrightarrow{A}, but the arrow gets longer and I can'...
Guillermo LP's user avatar
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\bm in chapter title causes "TeX capacity exceeded" [duplicate]

Here's the MWE: \documentclass{book} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{bm} \usepackage{hyperref} \begin{document} \chapter{$\bm{a^2 + b^2 = c^2}$} \end{document} And here's the errors I ...
Atom's user avatar
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