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cleveref not working for label after caption in longtable

Here is a simple example of the problem: \documentclass[letterpaper,11pt,hidelinks]{article} \usepackage[nameinlink]{cleveref} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{booktabs} \begin{document} \...
happy_biker's user avatar
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Given date in Gregorian, convert to localedate

I have this year in Gregorian calendar \localedate[calendar=gregorian]{620}{01}{05} with the following Babel setup \usepackage[english, bidi=basic, layout=counters tabular]{...
AvidSeeker's user avatar
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How do I get my caption at the bottom of a longtable in ThreePartTable , as I keep getting a noalign error?

I cannot work out how to put a table caption and label at the bottom of a multiple page table created with ThreePartNotes and longtable. The format I must use for my tables is for the caption to be ...
Michelle's user avatar
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LyX 2.4: How to paste text without line breaks?

Before LyX 2.4, the default "copy text from elsewhere and paste in LyX" behavior was to kill any line breaks. Now in LyX 2.4, the default behavior is to preserve the line breaks (which is ...
user182601's user avatar
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Small bugs with a lightweight xcoffins-based mdframed alternative

I've recently tried to add page-break support to a lightweight xcoffins-based mdframes alternative I've made that started off with Put an xcoffin around an environment's content It essentially ...
tecosaur's user avatar
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How to ignore Arabic font for line spacing in inline Latin and Arabic text with Xelatex and babel?

I have a document with inline Latin and Arabic text. I'm using Xelatex and Babel. For more information, I'm actually using Bookdown/Rmarkdown which uses pandoc so I'm somewhat, but not completely, ...
coderoo's user avatar
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Overleaf Github Synchronization Error

I get this error when I try to push to or pull from github: "Must supply either tree.sha or tree.content. Request will be rejected if both are present." How could I fix this? There doesn't ...
berlaga's user avatar
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Can't get rid of the default, i.e., "plain" page numbers

I'm trying to create a template for my math course and I'm facing some problems as I'm not experienced in working with LaTeX. This is the MWE : \documentclass[a4paper,9pt,twocolumn, landscape]{...
Mar1One30's user avatar
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Conditionally omit protocol from hyperlink texts based on URL (Cambridge University Press style)

The Cambridge University Press style guide mandates the following formatting for URLs: ’http://’ and ‘https://’ should not be included before ‘www.’. However, if a URL does not include ‘www.’ then ...
Psychonaut's user avatar
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(MLA/biblatex-mla) How to edit \printbibliography to have "Works Cited" be properly formatted?

I've reworked my question and finally narrowed down the problem. So, what the problem seems to be is \printbibliography tries to have "Works Cited" flushed to the left, and I want this to be ...
Ferrius Undermine's user avatar
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Why do I generate Zig Zag lines instead of a surface when attempting to plot a contour plot in latex using csv data?

I am trying to generate a contour plot from a the following csv file unCon01new10.csv. When I generate the contour plot using Mathematica it looks like . When I try using the same csv file to generate ...
Quantum Kid's user avatar
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How to write out multiple text files from multiple instances of LaTeX environments for Literate Programming

Did find: Different approach to literate programming for LaTeX but it's focused on writing out LaTeX .cls and .sty files --- I would like a simple solution which: typesets the code writes out the ...
WillAdams's user avatar
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Non-breakable space before every inline math

What I don´t want: When I write a sentence like One is $1$., I don't want Latex to break the line before the inline math (that particular example is horrible cause the new line would start with 1., ...
NaiveQuestion's user avatar
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Fontspec fails to find .ttf file at specified path Windows

I have a custom font in a .ttf file saved say at this path: "D:/CustomFonts/myFont.ttf" I therefore try to do something as follows: \documentclass[10pt,letterpaper,final]{article} \...
Mstislav Keldysh's user avatar
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Tabular alignment with cline

I would like to move the "P(A | B) = " to the same line as the cmidrule, so that the equals sign aligns with the division line. How can I do this? MWE: \documentclass[letterpaper,12pt,...
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