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Questions tagged [horizontal-alignment]

{horizontal-alignment} is about aligning document elements horizontally, e.g. typesetting paragraphs using \centering or \raggedright or adjusting the horizontal position of several equation or table components. If your question is generally about (horizontal) white space, use {spacing} instead.

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Image vertical alignement with tabularx

I have two (02) columns in a table, with width as linewidth so I used tabularx. First column has mixed text (Arabic and French), aligned to the left. Second column has an image. I would like to have ...
Khaled Sofiane LAMANDÉ's user avatar
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How can I center my LaTeX text block in double sides printing?

I need to print double sided a5 from a translation of a book in LaTeX. Just bought an HP LAserjet 209 only to find out it does not do a5 D-S. So I need to print a5 block on a4 paper and therefore need ...
Ulf Ehrenmark's user avatar
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How to horizontally align horizontal boxes in a vertical box?

In vertical mode, horizontal boxes are stacked one on top of the other and aligned to the left. How can I get the boxes to align to the right instead? \vbox{ \hbox{short line} \hbox{looooooonger ...
Ernest A's user avatar
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Fixed column width and left alignment works partially [duplicate]

For some reason, I am not able to set left alignment in the third column of a table (I can make it only in the first and second columns}. Does anybody know waht is hapenning? Below you find a MWE. ...
Marcus's user avatar
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Align enumerate label with left margin

This should be a simple one, hopefully. I like to align the label of the items in my enumerate environment with the left margin. I can do this with the option [labelsep = *] from the enumitem package. ...
Sverre's user avatar
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Re-center text after string substitution

What I want to do I want to display the date (year / month) on the cover of my document in Japanese. I have used the datetime2 package in other places in my document to print the date in English ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Avoid underset text overlaping

As you can see, underset on right hand becomes overlaped. How can I avoid this? This is my MWE \documentclass[14pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{mathtools} \newcommand{\lunderset}[2]{\...
user3204810's user avatar
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In a multiline equation, how to align from the right in a second-level split?

I have a long equation, where I want to divide the expression into 4 parts, 2 of which are & aligned, and the other two are child to the former, and should be aligned from the right. I am nesting ...
Donn's user avatar
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How to left align chemical equations with tags?

I have a set of chemical reactions I am trying to write using mhchem. I need to left-align the equations and right-align the tags. Here's what I have done so far: \begin{align} \ce{AB -> A + B} \...
navajyothmp's user avatar
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Latex Beamer - Add left padding to table of contents

I have changed the style of my table of contents in a beamer template, but now I want to add an horizontal padding to the left of this frame. How can I do it while keeping my custom configuration? \...
mupfelix's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Create a Fully Centered and Adjustable Multiline Table in LaTeX?

I am unfortunately quite a LaTeX noob and am having difficulties putting together a table. My goal is to center the content of each cell both vertically and horizontally. The table is aligned ...
bolli's user avatar
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Horizontally Align Lists in Proofs

Is there any way to make the 1. and bullet point align with the rest in the proof environment? \documentclass[letterpaper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb, amsthm} \begin{document}...
Dian Sheng's user avatar
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Non-standard alignment of multiline equation

In the old days when people used typewriters instead of LaTeX it was fairly easy to achieve the following non-standard multiline split Now that we have environments like align and alignat it is not ...
Ted Black's user avatar
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Left-aligned and centered text on same line (not equations)

In the style which I'm sort of copying, dates are printed against the left margin and the entry's heading (which doesn't need to conform to LaTeX sectioning commands) is centered. I have borrowed code ...
DomMocquereau's user avatar
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Aligning conditions in pairs of cases [duplicate]

Is there any way to align the conditions in more than one cases environment? (the "u=0"/"u>0" below) $$\begin{aligned} x_1 &= \begin{cases}Z & u = 0 \\ ...
Jason S's user avatar
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