Our work

Our work

Our specific impact goals are to:

  • Increase access to health interventions in countries with high burdens of infectious diseases through the generation and use of high-quality research. 
  • Accelerate the development of innovative tools, solutions and implementation strategies essential for disease control and elimination through research and partnership.
  • Build a critical mass of researchers in disease-affected countries who can conduct, lead and further develop research through training and mentorship.
  • Engage a broad global community to facilitate the role of research for development, and advocate for the use of high quality evidence to inform policy. 

Recent publications

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Training course on ethics in implementation research: Participant's guide

TDR and WHO's Global Health Ethics team have jointly developed a training course for researchers and research ethics committees on the important ethical...

Training course on ethics in implementation research: Facilitator's guide

TDR and WHO's Global Health Ethics team have jointly developed a training course for researchers and research ethics committees on the important ethical...

TDR annual report 2018

Building the science of solutions Overview This report provides an overview of the highlights from 2018 that demonstrate the impact of research...

Operational Guide: The Early Warning and Response System (EWARS) for Dengue Outbreaks

This guide is a revised edition to the previous version published in 2017.This updated publication provides programme managers with a user-friendly tool...

TDR 2017 Results Report

The TDR Results Report illustrates progress made against the 23 key performance indicators that are part of the monitoring and evaluation matrix, in line...

TDR 2017 annual report

This report provides an overview of the 2017 key achievements in research and research capacity strengthening and knowledge management; ongoing work in...