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How to get react installed

This happens when we don't add the path of node.js to environment variables. See one video on youtube and add it.
Mayur Sonare's user avatar
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Unable to access Rest endpoints even after successful login in spring security through react form

With the custom endpoint, there is one slight detail missing: SecurityContext is not populated during the login request/response. Without storing it, further requests still will be anonymous despite ...
lo-fi wi-fi's user avatar
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woocommerce store api + reactjs - add to cart not working

When working with woocommerce Store Api you need to use "cart-token" now, as woo developers says in comments at github and their blog, you also need consider cors as well. Check article and ...
art_hq's user avatar
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EZGrid React DataGrid showing error "Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'react/jsx-runtime'"?

I managed to solve the problem by adding the following alias to my webpack config: resolve: { alias: { 'react/jsx-runtime': 'react/jsx-runtime.js', }, }
aggregate1166877's user avatar
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How to get react installed

Try to adjust the policies, let's first open Windows PowerShell with administrative privileges. Open Windows PowerShell by right-clicking and selecting "Run as Administrator". Next, execute ...
VICTOR SANTOS's user avatar
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Passing variable from React to CSS - proper formate and usage

You never set a value for --myVar in your document style. You also cant write stuff like this var(--myVar)px and this var(--myVar - 47)px The solution would be in the lines of: React Side const myVar =...
Angel Zlatanov's user avatar
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After building ReactTS app some "display: flex" disappears

look after if there, any css file over-riding this code css classes..
Deneth Pinsara's user avatar
1 vote

Does @preact/signals-react work with concurrent mode of React 18?

Full disclosure: I'm a maintainer. They do work with React 18 and all known React features at the moment, though the React team has publicly stated on Twitter they're planning some features in the ...
rschristian's user avatar
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Error in React vite project due to rollup dependency (module not found)

This might be happening because you are mounting your volumes wrong. If your docker compose file has this in it: services: app: volumes: - .:/app You are copying all your local ...
elpadrino2345's user avatar
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Firestore snapshot realtime paging

Unsubscribing listeners is documented here: If you're having trouble getting this to work, edit your question to show ...
Frank van Puffelen's user avatar
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How to prevent scroll-to-top on certain links in React-Router with a custom ScrollToTop component

You can accomplish skipping resetting the scroll-to-top a few different ways: Convert ScrollToTop to a layout route to wrap only the routes you want to scroll-to-top: import { Outlet } from 'react-...
Drew Reese's user avatar
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How to submit data split into multiple children components without unnecessary re-renders

For the third option consider using refs: export interface A { a: string } export interface B { b: string } export default function Parent() { const ref1: MutableRefObject<A> = useRef({a:...
lo-fi wi-fi's user avatar
0 votes

Passport JS + React application internal 500 errro

fixed the issue on my own, figured out to move the external router below the passport initialization as it is required in the router to authenticate a user. i appreciate your guy's help very much. ...
Mac Pickle's user avatar
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razorpay order id and razorpay signtaure value is undefined in the payment response

Try to use order_id instead of orderId in the options. Also, check if you correctly generated the order_id value as a string. console.log it before setting it as a value for order_id. console.log(...
Prashant 's user avatar
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Why the error is not displayed when using formik useField?

const [field, meta] = useField({ ...props, name:, id: }); const formik = useFormikContext(); if (formik.submitCount > 0) { meta.touched = true; }
Sorot Charoensinchai's user avatar
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Set min/max on TextField type="number"?

const minAmount = '0'; const maxAmount = '10000'; export default function BasicTextFields() { const [amount, setAmount] = useState(''); return ( <> <Input type='number'...
m.musni's user avatar
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How to prevent scroll-to-top on certain links in React-Router with a custom ScrollToTop component

React Router works on maintaining the same scroll position if we navigate from one route to another. To prevent those we use custom scroll like you did and use overall on routes in app. export const ...
hariskhan050's user avatar
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how to add text annotations to text notes in a react nextjs 14 (app router) app

It could be an error in calculating and keeping track of the text indices and rendering the notes inside the text. Here are a few possible improvements and suggestions to help resolve the issue: Use ...
Temidayo's user avatar
-1 votes

Animation | Transition in React JS

You should be able to achieve the effect with css transform by using the keyframes animation which could be defined to scale the calendar element from 1 to 0.5 and change its opacity while the ...
GifftyCode's user avatar
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How do I make Material UI container have full width and height?

I guess you need to use <Container maxWidth={false} disableGutters component='main'> Also inside theme file you should use MuiContainer: { styleOverrides: { disableGutters: { ...
Farid shahidi's user avatar
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How do I configure Vite reverse proxy to test React application?

localhost does not seem to work. I tried replacing localhost with and now it does work. import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react' export default ...
FreelanceConsultant's user avatar
-1 votes

React router not running

React Router is a router. If you navigate to /Products in your browser's URL it should show up.
silvenon's user avatar
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searching for this font animation but couldn't find

this effect use a colour gradient in CSS. .gradient_effect { font-size : 400%; background : linear-gradient(to right, #666, #666 32%, #F69 32%, #F69); background-clip : text; color : ...
mmm's user avatar
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What are these three dots in React doing?

This technique is helpful for forwarding props from a parent component to a child component without explicitly listing each prop, making the code more concise and easier to manage.
KanarS's user avatar
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Error decoding .mov file on ios and macos - DOMException when processing audio data in React app

Consider using a library like ffmpeg.js to handle the decoding and conversion of audio files directly in the browser. This can bypass some limitations of the Web Audio API. // Example using ffmpeg.js ...
estakkk's user avatar
  • 27
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How do I add an external JS and use its function in my component in REACT?

You can use useEffect to Load External Scripts with a callback function
Deneth Pinsara's user avatar
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What should my vercel.json config file to deploy my MERN stack given my current project folder organization?

Here is how I deployed: First, do the following: Install CORS: npm install cors Add this code to index.js(Your backend): app.use(cors({ origin: [""], methods: ["POST", &...
Endekalu Zemenu's user avatar
0 votes

Importing images in TypeScript React - "Cannot find module"

Create a file custom.d.ts inside the src folder and add this lines: declare module “.jpg” for jpg images declare module “.jpeg” for jpeg images declare module “.svg” for svg images declare module “....
Wilfred's user avatar
0 votes

How do I conditionally add attributes to React components?

conditional logic: function MyInput({ isRequired, isReadOnly }) { return ( <input className="foo" {...(isRequired ? { required: true } : {})} {...(isReadOnly ? { ...
KanarS's user avatar
  • 24
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Nodemailer contact us form

Ah yes, I know this problem. Using Gmail as your SMTP relay does have this limitation, and it is clearly described in Nodemailer's documentation as: Gmail also always sets authenticated username as ...
Folusho's user avatar
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Passing data between pages in React Router using the Action and Loaders

My last comment lead me to an answer: submit to the same Page component and use the useActionData hook. Conceptually, it's similar to traditional server-side form submits: the POST request goes back ...
icicleking's user avatar
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'Cannot find module' when using dynamic import

import Dynamic expressions in import() It is not possible to use a fully dynamic import statement, such as import(foo). ...
CyberT33N's user avatar
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No routes matched location "/login" react router dom v6

Use default export at the end of the component.. maybe you are not exporting your component or using same line export..
Ritika Sharma's user avatar
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Clerk + Convex Auth

Do not use useQuery on your page.tsx Use it in components like @/components/something.tsx then in page.tsx just return it "use client"; import Something from "@/components/...
user26444517's user avatar
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Access to fetch at from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy

I don't know if it will work for you or not but manually adding cors worked for me. instead of this const corsOption = { credentials: true, origin: [""], } app.use(...
Priyanshu kuntal's user avatar
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react-bootstrap breadcrumb with react-router-dom

import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom'; const BreadcrumbComponent = () => { const navigate = useNavigate(); return ( <Breadcrumb> <Breadcrumb.Item ...
Dat Tran's user avatar
-1 votes

Is possible to convert HTLM to EditorJS json?

{ "id": "2HhVG2x2UBw", "uploaddate": "2019-05-02", "duration": 144, "title": "~Where's My Hairbrush?~ {Sparta Venom Mix!...
Jamie G Jamie G's user avatar
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Why the form property not working on MUI button as like html button field?

const formRef = useRef(null); formRef.current.requestSubmit(); submit with requestSubmit works for me.
santhosh's user avatar
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How to reload a component (part of page) in reactjs?

If you'd like to use "hard reload" (remove component and recreate it) instead of forcing child components to just re-render themselves but of course without page reloading, I prepared reload ...
duzymaju's user avatar
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How to ignore SSL issues in axios using React Native?

if you are using React Native Cli you can easily bypass ssl for Android by the following method: Add new file to the same path of (/android/app/src/main/java/...
Mussadiq Ali's user avatar
0 votes

Next.js not auto refreshing

Note that npm start helps to start you application and also useful to start you production server. NPM START run the following script in the backend npm start "scripts": { "start&...
Brijal Kansara's user avatar
0 votes

Passport JS + React application internal 500 errro

I certainly can't say but in your code //initialize passport initpassport( passport, async username => await User.findOne({ username: username }), async id => await User.findOne({ ...
Mayur Sonare's user avatar
0 votes

Warning: Only plain objects can be passed to Client Components from Server Components

This worked for me: The Query.prototype.lean() function returns the documents from queries with the lean option enabled as plain JavaScript objects, not Mongoose Documents read more about .lean(). And ...
Abhishek Prasad's user avatar
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Error in the integration between Hardhat and react.js

you might have installed ethers v6 but using ethers v5 implementation. From migrating guide // v5 provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum) // v6: provider = new ethers....
Yilmaz's user avatar
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Use reactjs to get login info from golang session

On Subsequent requests, you can add this after logging in: // src/api.js const api = axios.create({ baseURL: 'http://localhost:8080', // Your backend URL withCredentials: true, ...
Joshua Oluikpe's user avatar
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React native DatePicker provide android error

I ran into this as well, and added a workaround to this github ticket, namely, wrap the <DatePickerBody /> in another <DatePickerProvider>: export function DatePickerExample() { const ...
Sean Adkinson's user avatar
-1 votes

Page Not Found in Netlify

You need to redirect all requests to index.html by creating _redirects file in the root directory of your react app and add the following into it: /* /index.html 200
Adam Morsi's user avatar
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Getting error when doing npx create-react-app my-react-app

If you would like to use react with JS, use the following boilerplate: Webpack react boilerplate If you would like to use react with typescript, use the following boilerplate: Webpack react typescript ...
Adam Morsi's user avatar
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Why doesn't webstorm/react-hook-forms tell me possible options for name?

You can achieve what you want in a simpler way, changing your StringInput component like this: const StringInput = ({ name }: { name: keyof Data }) => { const { control } = useFormContext<Data&...
DanielFryy's user avatar
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Webpack module federation directory share

The following will expose all components in the components directory: exposes: { './components': path.join(PATHS.src, 'components'), }, Here’s a very nice example where I have 3 projects interacting ...
Adam Morsi's user avatar

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