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Questions tagged [vercel]

For software-development questions about Vercel, a frontend cloud deployment platform.

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Keep getting error while uploading Django project in vercel

while i am deploying my Django project using vercel i am keep getting this error Error: No Output Directory named "staticfiles_build" found after the Build completed. You can configure the ...
Akarshan Ghosh's user avatar
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What should my vercel.json config file to deploy my MERN stack given my current project folder organization?

I am trying to deploy my MERN stack on vercel but I can't get much documentation on what the vercel.config file should contain. This is how my Vite (npm create vite@latest) MERN project is structured: ...
jlimsy's user avatar
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Log in works only on subdomains and not the apex domain: Bug with google oauth, vercel hosting and supabase:

I’ve been trying to get supabase nextjs and google oauth to work on my domain and I’ve encountered a weird bug. When I change the site url to and test it on my test....
Sid's user avatar
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Angular 18 SSR Vercel issue with 404

I can't make my 404 page using Angular SSR deployed on Vercel Serveless Function When accessing a bad url supposed to be 404 have this error This Serverless Function has crashed. its a 500 internal ...
The Segfault's user avatar
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Uncaught Exception: ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END in Next.js API route

I'm frequently encountering this error in one of my Next.js serverless API routes: "Uncaught Exception: Error [ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END]" This error suggests that there's an attempt to ...
GorvGoyl's user avatar
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useDropzone causing 500 on refresh in Next.js App on Vercel

We're using dropzone in a Next.js app hosted on Vercel. When the page loads from being navigated from somewhere else in the app it's fine. If you refresh the page with that URL or load directly there ...
GrandMassive's user avatar
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Next.js - Mongoose - Vercel Deploying Problem

async function fetchImages() { try { const newURL = process.env.NEXTAUTH; clg(newURL) const res = await fetch(`${newURL}/api/images`, { next: { revalidate: 3600 } }); if (!res.ok) { ...
Tahir Bera's user avatar
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Doing a bulk update in Vercel Postgres by dynamically building query

I have a simple table in Vercel Postgres: export const sets = createTable("card_table", { id: varchar("id").primaryKey(), info: jsonb("info"), }); I have populated ...
tehawtness's user avatar
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Next.js Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information) error

I've deployed my Next.js project to Vercel. I've correctly set NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL in the Environment Variables tab to fetch my data, but when I try to access the admin panel, I'm getting an "...
Ahmet Avcu's user avatar
-3 votes
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Node.js Video Upload Feedback Project Not Working on iPhone [closed]

I'm working on a project where users can upload their videos and receive feedback using the Gemini and OpenAI APIs. The frontend is deployed on Vercel, and the backend is on Railway. The project works ...
estakkk's user avatar
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Fetch Backend Server Without caching data ~~ VERCEL

I'm using Next.js for the second time and I'm trying to fetch some data stored in my backend server. My back and my front are both deployed on Vercel. The problem is the data fetch doesn't change ...
iesnihS's user avatar
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404 Not Found ID: cpt1::r4ljq-1721260694133-e0487a97aa5c

I am getting a 404 not found on when trying to trying to hit the domain for an api I am trying to connect to. Im new to dev so Im sure there is something silly I am doing. The app is on node.js and am ...
Happy Zulu's user avatar
-1 votes
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index js code appears on the home page in vercel deployment

I am working on an ecommerce app using mern stack. I tried deploying it on vercel but for some reason the homepage shows the index js code and no other routes work, neither the api routes nor the ...
ISHAN JARWAL's user avatar
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Restricted vertical scrolling in Next.js project in Android Phone

In my Next.js project, vertical scrolling is restricted on home page. But, when I load the homepage directly, the vertical scrolling happens however, when I navigate to the homepage from some other ...
Abhinav Jha's user avatar
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TailwindCss has different colors in Dist Build and run Dev

I need to help please, I have been building a project with tailwindCss and React, with Vite, but when I build my project then generate the dist carpet, but the colors are different when I run project ...
Sierpe's user avatar
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Next JS fetch error from Ruby - Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information)

I have a Next Js app running in gogle cloud run and backend services in ruby on rails runnning on GKE i have correctly exposed the endpoints and they can connect however when i run the service on ...
Smbugua's user avatar
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Nextjs API works in local environment but not in production

I have created a blog project using Next. When posting a new article, the API route is called with axios and the article is created in my database (MongoDB). Everything works fine in local ...
Adrien Frischknecht's user avatar
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How can I deploy my nodejs (with typescript) backend on vercel?

I have designed backend of my MERN application using typescript with all the configurations required for ts. Following is hierarchy of my project: Following is my tsconfig.json. { "...
Tauseef Razaq's user avatar
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npm ERR! npm ERR! sh: line 1: node-waf: command not found [closed]

I got an error during deployment, as follows: npm ERR! npm WARN using --force Recommended protections disabled. npm ERR! npm WARN ERESOLVE overriding peer dependency npm ERR! npm WARN ERESOLVE ...
Solideo Putra Zendrato's user avatar
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deployment error in my nexjs application with Prisma orm

during the deployment of my application on Vercel, at the construction stage, I receive the error shown in the attached image. I've also associated the package.json file. { "name": "...
faris's user avatar
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Next Auth signout not working in vercel but ok in local

I am using nextAuth for signIn and signout. My problem is that users can signIn properly (for example email:[email protected] pswd:0911111111), but can never signout in vercel, it will only redirect to ...
susanliu's user avatar
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Cannot configure properly vercel kv for production project

In my production nextjs app hosted in vercel I have the following error Uncaught (in promise) Error: Missing Vercel KV configuration NextJS 10 My env variables are in a .env file in the root of the ...
mateo ghidini's user avatar
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NextAuth Middleware Failing to Retrieve Token in Production

I'm using NextAuth in a Next.js application with a custom credentials provider. Everything works perfectly on my local development environment, but in production (deployed on Vercel), the middleware ...
Aditya Salve's user avatar
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Nuxt 3 404 (Not Found) For Exisitng Pages

about:1 GET 404 (Not Found) I'm having an issue with my website, built with Nuxt 3 and deployed on Vercel. The page at returns ...
Sathya Molagoda's user avatar
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CORS error showing even when the backend access control allow origin is set for frontend url after deployment on vercel

I have deployed my mern app's frontend and backend on vercel on 2 different url's. For backend i have set : app.use(cors({credentials : true , origin : ''})); ...
Aditya Nagare's user avatar
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NextJS "Error: Invariant failed" with no error message during build

I'm trying to build a NextJS app locally. The app builds successfully on Vercel but does not build locally. I've tried to replicate the same conditions as on Vercel (e.g. make the same env vars ...
Jeff An's user avatar
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Python Serverless Function exceeds the unzipped maximum size of 250 MB (Vercel)

I am attempting to deploy my NextJS/Flask application to Vercel, but I keep encountering an error stating "A Serverless Function has exceeded the unzipped maximum size of 250 MB." This error ...
John Flickinger's user avatar
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Django ModuleNotFoundError in Vercel production

I'm trying to deploy an api on vercel in Django, however when I call my api I get an error that a module does not exist. I don't get this error locally. I've tried several solutions: adding a route ...
Thomas A's user avatar
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vercel Serverless Function has timed out

I'm working on a Next.js project where I need to fetch markdown files from a GitHub repository using an API route. The API route fetches and processes the markdown files, then returns the data to be ...
Zied Abadlia's user avatar
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Deploying Vercel Python app, but still returning 404 error

Trying to deploy my application to Vercel, but its giving a 404: NOT_FOUND Code: NOT_FOUND Here is my vercel.json: { "version": 2, "builds": [ { "...
Ansh Ajit's user avatar
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How to call @vercel/og image endpoint from getStaticProps?

I have set up dynamically generated OG images that I also want to use as header image for my blog posts. I have set it up using @vercel/og in Next.js, but it takes forever to dynamically call the API ...
swedishtea's user avatar
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Issues with CORS and HTTP Requests in Vercel Deployment for Node.js and MongoDB Backend

I'm facing issues with CORS and HTTP requests in my project deployed on Vercel. The project involves a Node.js backend ( and a frontend ( I have ...
ShashidharM's user avatar
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Problem with Vercel and React-Three-Fiber

Console error & Code with Folder distribution I'm working with React-Three-Fiber. In the localhost works good but when I do the deploy, the website principal screen works ok but when I do click on ...
Francisco Buchini's user avatar
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React Vite deployed to Vercel But showing white page

Created a React Vite static page and it has deployed using vercel but when deployed it has white page Repo: Link: Tried ...
Aarif Hussain A Nassar's user avatar
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how to actually implement a serverless function on Vercel for Vite code for production environment?

My code works perfectly fine using Vercel Dev, and a Postman request to the API route, but still, it says "Error: Error: Failed to fetch response." I think the error may be a wrong fetch ...
user26354078's user avatar
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Vercel - Supabase GET Request

I have SUPABASE database with Vercel Next.js project data is like not fetching or something I set from supabase env. file with supabase_url and supabase_key of course set it up into Vercel too but ...
Mayhem 22's user avatar
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MongoDB + nextAuth problem when npm run build

im using Next.js 14.2.4 this is mine app/api/auth/[...nextauth]/route.ts in npm run dev all works fine, but when I go npm run build I get this error: app/api/auth/[...nextauth]/route.ts Type error: ...
hello world you fcking suck's user avatar
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Error occurred prerendering page "/login". Read more: nextjs vercel deployment error

I've been getting this error when deploying the project even though I don't have "ADMIN" anywhere being used on these pages: Error occurred prerendering page "/login". Read more: ...
Amarjeet Singh's user avatar
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Store long kived accessTokens inside nextjs 14 and handle recurring refresh

I have a nextjs 14 web app which shows an instagram feed. To load the feed I implemented the Instagram Basic Display API. Currently I use an external service (Google Secrets Manager) to store the long ...
krm42's user avatar
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Getting 504 Error When Project Launched to Deployment

I am having an issue when I launch my Next.js project to deployment. On the development platform I am essentially making a call from a text prompt to an API, which originally called the OpenAI ...
Adam's user avatar
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Honojs with Vercel Middleware for Backend API

How can we use Vercel Middlware ( in a backend API developed using Hono for Vercel ( ? I ...
pcrocks's user avatar
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Have trouble with a react deployment to Vercel. index-C5K1NyVi.js:1 Failed to load module

My deployment appears to go through no problem after several docs issues but now I get an error index-C5K1NyVi.js:1 Failed to load module This file does not exist, there is an index.js in the assets ...
Eoin McDonnell's user avatar
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Node App Deployment on Vercel giving a Not Found error

I'm trying to create a small hobby project to scrape real time stock prices using a simple NodeJS app. I came across a couple of posts online saying Vercel would be a good platform to host a free tier ...
Shubhankar Agrawal's user avatar
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405 (Method Not Allowed) Error in Vercel FastAPI Backend (But Works Locally)

I have just deployed my NextJS-frontend/FastAPI-backend app on Vercel, and I am currently running into an issue that seems related to CORS that is giving me a 405 Method Not Allowed when I try to POST/...
theGreenCabbage's user avatar
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@parcel/packager-js: External modules are not supported when building for browser this is error i am facing when running my react on build

@parcel/packager-js: External modules are not supported when building for browser > 1 | import React from "react"; > | ^ > 2 | import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client"; &...
Aditya Bansal's user avatar
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Nextjs hosted in Vercel causing MongoDb collection naming issue

I have a TurboRepo with NextJs web app using MongoDb for database and hosted on Vercel. Here are the versions of the packages: next: 14.2.4 @typegoose/typegoose: 11.3.0 mongoose: 7.3.1 node: 18.18.2 ...
felix ngo's user avatar
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vercel deploy success but access web error Nextjs 14 undici wrong verssion

Deploy success but access web Application error: a server-side exception has occurred enviroments NEXT_PUBLIC in vercel, node 20.x un build success on local and vercel. But on vercel access page after ...
HKN's user avatar
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Response Set-Cookie not working, but only on Cloudflare Pages/Workers

I am working on a simple app with Auth.js and Next.js. In specific, I am using it with WebAuthn authentication. So, I have a pretty similar auth.ts setup: export const { handlers, signIn, signOut, ...
David Gomes's user avatar
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Error: The pattern `api/email.js` defined in functions doesn't match any Serverless Functions inside the `api` directory (Vercel/Remix-run)

email.js serverless function generated by chatgpt in my root/api/email.js directory: //[root]/api/email.js //just a test function generated by chatgpt import sendEmail from "../utils/email"; ...
twominds's user avatar
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https://custom root domain not working on vercel

Please I need help, I have successfully deployed my next js app on vercel but i have a problem. I can only access it using and but not with https://...
victorgbonna's user avatar

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