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Questions tagged [r]

R is a free, open-source programming language & software environment for statistical computing, bioinformatics, visualization & general computing. Please use minimal reproducible examples others can run using copy & paste. Show desired output entirely. Use dput() for data & specify all non-base packages with library(). Don't embed pictures for data or code, use indented code blocks instead. For statistics questions, use

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Sommer Package: mmer prediction error because of singular matrix

I am running a GxE mixed model in Sommer, with the environments as a fixed factor and genotypes as a random factor with a GRM as covariance structure (G_GY). For the interaction term, the covariance ...
set_user123's user avatar
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How to load local csv files into shinyLive code block within a Quarto document?

I want to create a quarto document that contains a code block that uses shinyLive to run an interactive graph. At the moment, all the examples I have seen are either: using R's inbuilt dummy data or, ...
Matthew Nocete's user avatar
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Why is my Shiny app not generating a plot?

I am attempting to generate a plot using variables in my server code that can be changed- I'm not sure if I am formatting this wrong and that is why a plot is not generating. My goal is to generate a ...
DN98024's user avatar
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Create a layered ggplot with 2 different scale x axis? [duplicate]

I'm a litte stuck, I wanna create a plot showing 2 variables based on time, however one of those variable needs to be shown on a log scale (going from 0.01 to 100), and the other one on a regular ...
IlyLemon's user avatar
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Failing to load a data from bloomberg [closed]

I'm new to R. And I want to transfer data from Bloomberg, how can I do this, because csv does not work and my version is 4.4.0 I'm new to coding in R. Check what I did here (during an online course in ...
Karachkovskiy Denis's user avatar
4 votes
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When extending ggplot2, how should I apply scaling functions per group instead of as a whole?

I'm working on a new geom for ggplot2 that allows the user to alter the tint and shade of the colors by mapping it to an aesthetic. (If someone knows of a place this has already been implemented, ...
Dubukay's user avatar
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How to conditionally deactivate or remove selection items in the rhandsontable context menu?

In running the below simplified code, the user can add or remove table rows by right-clicking on a row which, through the rhandsontable package context menu, generates a pop-up of action choices. In ...
Village.Idyot's user avatar
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find value from dfa in dfb$col1 and report corresponding value in dfb$col2

I have two large dfs: lookup_val <-c(30911003,23284867,31383855) other_dat <-c(D,E,G) dfa <- data.frame(lookup_val,other_dat) dfb <- data.frame(returnme = c(100,200,300,400,500), ...
user237554's user avatar
-2 votes
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Experiencing error when trying to use lapply() on my data frame [closed]

I've gotten an error that looks like this : Error in get(as.character(FUN), mode = "function", envir = envir) : object 'Lions' of mode 'function' was not found and I'm not quite sure how ...
Abhi Varadarajan's user avatar
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dispersion.cutoff and mean.cutoff don't seem to work at all with FindVariableFeatures()

I'm doing spatial single-cell analysis on CosMx databases and I've run into a problem when using FindVariableFeatures(). I have only 960 genes in total so I wanted to plot the variable genes and ...
Rayan El Kholdi's user avatar
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How to inversely transform time series predictions to add seasonality back in? [closed]

I have transformed some data to make it stationary before fitting an ARIMA(1,0,1) model. I specifically want to manually transform the data to better understand the process. I can successfully fit a ...
AlexMackayGU's user avatar
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Error in connection querying MotifDb in R

I don't understand why some days ago this line was working MotifDb [grep ('TWIST1', values (MotifDb)$geneSymbol,] Hsapiens_TWIST1 <- query(MotifDb, "TWIST1") while now ...
Shika93's user avatar
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html_nodes always return {xml_nodeset (0)}

I'm trying to scrape this page with the rvest R package:
fleborgne's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I convert milliseconds to minutes and seconds?

I want to convert milliseconds values in my data to minutes and seconds (in the format MM:SS e.g. a value of 1772094 should become 29:32). The toy data looks like this: df <- data.frame( ID = c(&...
Jay Bee's user avatar
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Is there a way to impose a time limit on a chunk of R code even though a part of the code is running in C?

I have a part of a function which later runs in a loop and I want to impose a time limit on a part of this function. It should return NAs in case the time limit is exceeded to prevent my whole program ...
Jan Möhle's user avatar

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